Chapter 25

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As soon as they entered her house, Ali and Stephen were immediately hustled into the kitchen and seated next to each other at the dining table. When Ali tried to get up to help, she was instantaneously told to sit back down by her parents, making her feel like a visitor in her own home. Dinner was soon underway right after Angela and Anthony finished setting the table.

The meal was pleasant: the food was delicious, as well as the drinks, and the conversation was nice. That was until Angela and Anthony started to ask prying questions about Ali and Stephen's dating life.

The questioning started out simple. Ali's mom asked Stephen how long he's known Ali, how their relationship was before, and when they started dating. But soon, the line of questioning became more personal and were directed specifically to Stephen. Wanting to please Ali's parents, he answered them willingly and truthfully.

"How many girlfriends have you had before Ali, Stephen?"

"Dad?!" Ali looked at her father in horror. "You don't have to answer that Stephen...unless you want to." She added the last part because part of her was curious as to what Stephen's number was.

"I'll answer it," he smiled at her, giving her hand a small squeeze. "I've had one serious girlfriend before. We were together for a while, but things just didn't work out. Since then, I've dated a couple of times, but nothing serious. In fact, I haven't been on a date for a couple of years now; been busy with work to have time for a relationship."

"Why start dating again now?" Angela couldn't help herself.

"I feel like my life isn't quite complete yet. I've got a good career, but I don't have anyone to share my success with someone." Stephen made eye contact with Ali as he said the following statement. "And I'm very much ready to settle down with someone and share what I have with her."

"So is this thing with you and Ali 'nothing serious' to you?" Anthony asked.

"Oh no, sir. I'm very serious about dating your daughter. Very serious." He looked at Ali to show the genuineness of his statement. "I'd like to be her boyfriend - and even more, eventually, - if she wants me to be." He lifted Ali's hand to his lips and planted a kiss on it, causing her to blush.

Angela and Anthony were satisfied with what they gathered from their probing, so they just enjoyed the rest of dinner. They greatly approved Stephen made Ali so happy. Not that Dec didn't do the same thing. Dec made Ali happy as well, but there was just something with Stephen that they like more. They think it's that Stephen seems more serious, more ready to commit. Dec, on the other hand, isn't like that. Knowing their daughter, they know that Stephen would be the better match for her.

And they told her this once Stephen left after dinner.

"So you guys are telling me to dump Dec?" Ali said once her parents shared their insight with her. "Wow, that's the second time I'm hearing this today."

"Who else told you that?" Angela asked.

"Lisa...well, she didn't tell me to dump Dec. She told me to end things with one of them already, so that I'm not leading them on anymore."

"So you came to your own conclusion already to pick Stephen," Anthony said. "What's stopping you from actually doing that now?"

"I don't know...I just don't want the work atmosphere to be awkward between Dec and Stephen." Ali hid her face behind her hands. "Ugh, I should have never gotten myself into this."

"Look, you're already in this predicament. All you can do now is break it off with Dec, instead of dragging it on," Angela firmly says to her daughter. "I'm sure the boys will be mature and professional towards each other."

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