Chapter 7

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"What about a while ago?" Dec tentatively asked. He nervously picked at a loose strand on his duvet.

"About how I reacted. It was unacceptable and rude. I should have stayed and talked." Ali explained. "I'm sorry. Your advances just took me off guard."

"I should be the one saying sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that you would be okay with that," Dec replied. "So I'm sorry, Ali."

"Look...I didn't mind the hand-holding. Honestly, it just took me by surprise," Ali admitted.

Dec sat up on his bed in surprise. "Really? You didn't mind it?"

"No." Ali picked up on the change in tone of Dec's voice. Ali couldn't help but smile at that. Even through the phone, Dec's happiness was infectious.

"Does this mean, maybe, we can do more hand-holding in the future?" Dec said hopefully.

"Maybe." Ali twirled her hair between her fingers. "But first, you need to take me out on a proper date."

"That I can do." Slowly, Dec was regaining his confidence. "Let me check with my manager first though."

Their phone call suddenly ended and Ali stared at her phone screen in shock. As quick as it ended, Dec was calling back.


"Hey, Ali. Just calling to check when my schedule is free. There's this gorgeous woman I wanna take out on a date."

Seeing what Dec was doing, Ali played along. "Let's see, tomorrow is're free tomorrow night."

"Awesome, thanks, Ali." Dec hung up immediately right after.

Ali waited a few seconds for Dec to call again. She laughed when her phone lit up again. "Hello, Dec."

"Hey, Ali, about that date? I just checked with my manager, I'm free tomorrow night...Maybe you and I can have dinner then?" Dec suggested.

"You sure are something, Declan," Ali laughed at Dec's elaborate joke. "Yes, I'd love to have dinner with you tomorrow."

In all of his excitement of going out with Ali, it slipped Dec's mind that Ali is also dating Stephen. His mind was focused on the fact that he and Ali have a chance to be together. The gears in his mind were already whirring, thinking of romantic ideas for their date. All of his thoughts were about impressing Ali and there was no room for anyone else.

"I gotta go now and make some calls for our date tomorrow. I want to make sure that tomorrow will be a night you won't ever forget." Dec enthusiastically said. "I'll talk to you tomorrow about the details. Bye, Ali!"

"Bye, Dec." The call ended, leaving Ali to smile about Dec's enthusiasm.

"Ali, the show is about to start." Stephen said when he stuck his head into the room. He held out his arm to Ali. "Come on, I'll escort you to your seat."

Ali linked her arm with Stephen's and let him walk her out on to the main studio. Lisa is right. This may be fun.


Just as planned, Ali and Stephen went out for dinner after the taping. She followed Lisa's advice and allowed herself to enjoy her time with Stephen. Time flew by and by the time she knew it, Stephen was dropping her off at her front door.

"Tonight was great."

"Yeah, I had a good time. I really enjoyed the show and dinner was fantastic." Ali rest both of her hands on Stephen's chest. "You wanna come in for a bit?"

Stephen bit his lip. "I'd love to. I really, REALLY do." He wrapped his arms around Ali's waist, pressing his body close to hers. "But tomorrow morning I've got some business to take care of."

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