Chapter 22

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After that morning, Ali and Dec made an agreement that they won't mention to her parents that she's also seeing Stephen, which Dec was glad to agree to. He didn't even want to spare the other man another thought while they were in New York. Ali also made him promise that once they're back in England, they have to lay low again, that no one can know she and Dec are dating, much to his dismay. He agreed to it though because he wanted to keep Ali happy.

Their four day stay in New York City past by quickly. Dec and Ali spent most of it together, going on various little dates around the city. Yet, the pair made sure to still spend some time Ali's parents as that was the main purpose Dec planned the short holiday after all.

But when they were out on their own, Dec and Ali made the most out of it. They enjoyed the freedom of being out and about, holding hands, without having to worry that they'll get papped. They were just like any other tourist, minding their own business. It's during moments like these that Dec wishes he didn't choose a life in the public eye. But then again, if he hadn't gone into show business, he'd never have met Ali. So in the end, he guesses that the hiding is all worth it.


On their last day in the city, Dec and Ali woke up early so that they could watch the sun rise over Central Park through their bedroom window. They enjoyed the breathtaking view from the comforts of their bed, all cuddled up to each other. Ali was once again using Dec's chest as her pillow while they took in the sight.

"I wish I had this view back home," Ali sighs. "I can wake up to this everyday."

"Me, too," Dec said, not talking about the park view at all. He doesn't see the point at looking out the window when the most beautiful sight was right next to him, all snuggled up to him.

Ali turned her head and caught Dec staring at her instead of the park view. "Are we talking about the same thing?"

Dec gave a small smile. "Probably not," he said as he brushed Ali's hair with his hand.

Ali momentarily closed her eyes to think before opening them once more to look at Dec. "I need more time," she simply said, not elaborating.

"I know." Dec understood what she meant though. He knows that she needs more time before she can decide between him and Stephen.

Dec's aware that even if Stephen was not there physically with them, the other man was ever present in Ali's thoughts. He'd sometimes catch Ali on her phone, texting Stephen. Anyone may say that she could be just texting someone else, but Dec is sure that it's Stephen. He could tell by way Ali would stash her phone away as if she was doing something she wasn't supposed to do. And even if it really isn't Stephen she's been texting, he's still certain that she's keeping in contact with him; Dec has overheard her talking on the phone, checking up on his knee. He would have been fine with her just asking about his well-being. What he wasn't okay with was when he heard her say how much she missed Stephen. He manages not to let Ali know that he's aware of the phone calls and texts, which allows for things to continue on swimmingly between them, but he can't help feeling hurt and jealous in the inside.

He knows that Ali's not his girlfriend yet, but it still hurts that she misses another man while she was with him. To be truthful, it annoys him that Ali can't see that she should be with him. For the most part, the past few days are proof that they're meant to be. But Dec can't force Ali to decide now. The way he sees it, if he does that, he'll seem like a bad guy for rushing her and he doesn't want that at all. There's no chance in hell that he'll let Stephen fucking Mulhern win Ali. He'll just have to be patient and wait because that's his only choice since giving up isn't an option.


Dec and Ali stayed in bed for the rest of the morning until it was almost time to leave for the airport. They took a quick shower, separately, before heading down to the lobby with Ali's parents to check out of the hotel.

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