Chapter 19

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Halfway through breakfast, Stephen and Maureen were joined by his younger sister, Danielle, and her three-year old son, James. Having his little nephew there served as a total distraction for him, letting him forget that Ali regretted last night.

He had just completed a magic trick for James when the door bell rang. Maureen went to answer the door, but being the gentleman he is, Stephen answered the door.

"Ali!" Stephen said in a hushed surprise tone. "What are you doing here?"

"I came back to take care of you." She let herself in to shield herself from the cold weather. "Why do you sound so surprised to see me?" Ali took off her coat and hung it on the coat rack by the doorway.

"It's just that I woke up this morning and you were gone. I thought, maybe, you regretted what we did last night," Stephen whispered, not wanting his mother or sister to hear their conversation.

"I'd never regret last night Stephen. It was one of the best nights I've ever had." Ali stroked Stephen's cheek and gave him a peck on the lips. "I'm sorry I made you think I regretted it."

He felt at ease after hearing that their night of passion was as special to Ali as it was to him. "It's fine," he said reassuringly. "Come on, let's join my Mum and sister and nephew in the kitchen."

Greetings and introductions were made when the two joined the rest of them in the kitchen. The three-year old quickly took a liking to Ali and sat on her lap for a good part of breakfast.

"Looks like you've got competition, big bro," Dani teased. She and her mother know that he and Ali are dating, but they are unaware that real competition does exist in the form of one Declan Donnelly.

"Oi, little man." He lifted James off Ali's lap and set him down on his good leg. "Find someone your own age," he playfully warned the little boy.

"No!" James shouts adamantly. "My girlfriend!"

"No? Well, let's see about that." Stephen then attacked James with him tickles to his tummy and rained on him with kisses to his chubby cheeks.

"Okay, you win, Uncle Stevie! She can be your girlfriend." James escaped Stephen's hold and ran over to his mother, which made all the adults laugh.

Stephen threw an arm at the back of Ali's chair. "So, where'd you go anyway?"

"Went home to change and then I went to see the lads off to work." Ali replied.

"Why aren't you with them then?" He asked as he continued to eat with his free hand.

"Because I'm on holiday until next Thursday. They're not my worry right now."

"What are you doing here then?"

"That sounds a bit rude, Stephen," Maureen frowned at her son.

"No, what I meant is, why isn't she off enjoying herself on holiday?" Stephen clarified.

"'Cause I've decided I wanna take care of you, silly." Ali gave Stephen's thigh a gentle squeeze.

Stephen smiled. "You don't have to. My Mum is here to take care of me."

"Oh, I'm not good enough to be your caretaker," she says, feigning offense.

"No, not what I meant at all." Stephen laughed. "I only had in mind that you should be off relaxing and taking care of yourself, not me."

"I think you're just trying to get rid of me."

Stephen lovingly gazed at Ali and smiled. "I would never dream of doing that."

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