She laughed softly.

"What am I chopped liver?" she asked in mock annoyance.

He rolled his eyes.

"You don't count!"

She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Choose your next words very carefully Hilditch – I don't count why?? Because I'm a girl? Aspergers? Ugly?" she growled, her eyes flaring with each question.

He sighed. It always amazed him that Fox didn't get how beautiful she was, effortlessly so. Other girls spent hours primping and preening and Fox pretty much turned up looking stunning without trying. He'd taken pride in Alex looking daggers at her at the dance. He thought maybe she'd sway the blond in his direction. But as always the gravitational pull of Boyd was too strong though he'd still had a good time and he was glad he took Fox in the end. However he knew to answer this question carefully – it was one of those loaded questions – like when a girl asked you if her bum looked big in something. And he knew he'd be for it if he got it wrong. 

He sighed again.

"Because you are so obsessed with getting good marks, your degrees, and the perfect job!"

"Mmm nice save Will!" she laughed and he sent her a cocky grin.

"So are you though, you can't be too distracted by girls like the luscious Alex if you want to be a brilliant successful actor."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I don't want love and romance and.."

"To get your end away!" she finished.

He rolled his eyes.

"I want a little of that too Will– I mean I don't want to settle down and have a husband yet, if ever, but I'd like to know what all the fuss was about. Petra's always telling me how good her boyfriend is in the sack, how many orgasms she has a night. I think I'd like to see if it's better than the do it yourself model," she said wiggling her fingers.

He laughed. Only Fox could turn sex into a scientific experiment.

Sarah looked at him carefully and then turned away, taking a deep breath and wondering whether now was the time to broach the subject. In for a penny in for a pound she thought.

"So you know, you could always do it with me," she said not turning to face him. Not wanting him to see her face going hot and red as embarrassment bloomed across it. Of course, she'd thought about it, wondered what it would be like, read books and even talked to Jane about what to expect. But anytime she thought about doing IT, it was always Dane in her fantasies. They'd shared so many other firsts it made sense and that's what she told him now. She didn't like people in her personal space and there was nothing more personal than this. In her mind it could only be him, it made perfect logical sense. She figured she'd become a nun if Will wasn't the one.

"Oh god Fox, you're like my sister," he said looking at her in mock horror like she'd just suggested they eat the family cat for dinner.

She looked surprised and more than a little hurt.

"But it makes sense Will – you were there when I had my first period, you were my first kiss well kind of, I don't think I'd trust anyone else!" she said earnestly.

Now he looked shocked.

"You're serious?"

She looked to the ground nodding, not game to face the rejection in his eyes. It had all seemed so logical to her but Will was always all emotion. And he obviously didn't feel enough to do this with her.

"It was just a thought," she said quietly.

"We're both virgins, you don't want to go to university without some experience, I want someone I trust, you have the bits that fit into mine," she mumbled shrugging her shoulders like it was a total no-brainer.

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