"No," Alyssa interjected. "It's perfect."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

She nodded, "Definitely."

"You just better hope Leonardo can keep it in his pants," Carter teased, earning a hard punch to the chest from Alyssa.

Friday came and I stayed after school to help finish decorating before the homecoming game. People were moving around the gym feverously so that they'd still be able to get good seats. Anyone and everyone came out for the homecoming game. Luke was on the football team so quite a few members of the pack were expected to be in attendance.

I was putting the last few centerpieces out when a voice spoke up from behind me. "I think I did a pretty good job whipping this gym into shape."

I turned and smirked at Noah, "you helped the committee once."

"And just look at the difference it made," he replied proudly, "anyways, I gotta catch up with the rest of the soccer team. They want an optimal view of the cheerleaders. We're still on for the dance tomorrow right?"

I nodded, "wouldn't miss it."

He smiled, "Cool, see you then."

After we put the finishing touches on the enchanted forest that was now located in the gym, Cynthia and I proceeded to the football field where the rest of our group was waiting. Leonardo was talking with Tyler when we arrived. He glanced my way briefly, before returning to his conversation. Ouch. I took my place next to Alyssa and she could tell I was a bit off.

"What's got you in a mood?"

"Leonardo," I spoke, "He's been really cold this week."

"Isn't that what you wanted? Some space to breathe?"

"Yeah, but I never thought I would actually get it," I replied, "It's weird."

Alyssa shook her head, "Classic case of the grass is always greener. What do you want then?"

I shrugged, "I don't know."

I didn't want Leonardo hovering over my shoulder, but it was also weird with him pretending like I didn't exist. I just wanted a normal friendship between us. Was that too much to ask for?

The first half was relatively uneventful and our team was up five points. As the homecoming court rode by in their cute cars, I told Alyssa I was going to grab a soda. I proceeded to the concession stand but stopped halfway there when I heard some yelling towards the tree line behind the bathrooms

"I told you guys last time you weren't welcomed here," a familiar voice hissed. It sounded like Noah

"Relax baby cuz, we just wanted to watch the game. This town doesn't offer a whole lot of things to do. Doesn't it make you wonder why your dad decided to relocate here of all places?"

"We moved here because it's a quiet town, he was tired of the city."

"Or...maybe he has some plans for this quiet town. Plans his spineless son wouldn't approve of."

"What are you talking about Zack?"

My ringtone went off and I quickly tried to silence it. It was a message from Alyssa asking if I was okay. I had been gone for a while.

"Juliet," a voice spoke while I was looking at my phone. I glanced up and saw Noah was now standing in front of me. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to get a drink when I heard some arguing," I replied, "are you okay?"

He nodded, "fine, just some family stuff. It's best if you aren't here though."

"Are you sure Noah? I'm here if you need me."

Rise [COMPLETED] - Book 1 of the Legends SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now