Chapter 2- Friend in Need

Start from the beginning

I quickly got out the car as Katrell sped off trying my best not to scream and holler for that would definitely bring attention to me. I couldn't believe he would be mad at me for something i knew nothing about! How was i suppose to know Lindsey could have possibly seen him having sex with me? Too much too think about. I can't walk in this school like this! What if my girls see me in class? I'm not going. not in this condition. I walked to the football field and sat on the bleachers in the freezing cold trying to collect myself. I didn't care it was mid December and it was forty some odd degrees. This is going to have to do" i said sniffling.

Lunch Time had hit I thought I had gotten myself together pretty good, but was not in the mood to really talk to anyone still. I know Mr.Holloway is going to rip me a new one for missing his class first period again. Oh well. I was not about to have the class looking at me all snotty nosed and dishevelled. I got to our normal spot at the lunch table and was greeted with worried speeches by my best friends Nyla Brienne and Jamyis.

"Nishelle you missed first period AGAIN and we are about to have a test tuesday! where you been!?" Nyla said.

"Well Hello to you too and not a good morning..."

"Again??? you've been having them too wassup?" Jamyis asked.

I really was not trying to re live my morning with my friends. Not only that but i'm not ready to tell them whats been going on. So i get up to leave, making up some lame excuse." umm.....i gotta go...gonna meet Mrs. Helen for something" I said, and walked out the cafeteria.

"....she didn't eat anything." Brienne stated.

" Somethings not right.." Nyla said after.

I really did not have to meet with Mrs. Helen i was actually doing very well in her class. But i had to get away from them so i booked it for the library. I found a secluded area where no one could really see me and bother me. That went out the water five minutes later when some boy came waltzin over to my area. So much for privacy...

"Oh....sorry. didn't think no one would be over here."

Not looking i said, "it's okay. you can sit i don't mind" i said, sniffling.

"you okay?"

"i will be.." i stated.

Cordells P.O.V

Dang i hate to go into the library. This is making me look real soft and might i add nerdy. I have an image to maintain. But ima just run in and get this book and bounce. I walked to a private area hoping no one would see me to check this book out before i checked it out of the library. As i went to sit down i noticed this gorgeous milk chocolate girl with medium length black hair sitting at the table pouting. I hate to see girls crying or down. it always reminded me of the incident with my sister. Just thinking about it made me mad all over. I continued to watch her after she told me she was fine, but i didn't believe her so i decided to try and talk to her to really make sure she was okay.

"You's okay to let out tears. you aint gotta hide em." i said to her. Again she completely shut me down. This time completely ignoring me. I wanna say F it but something is really pulling at me with this girl. Even though she ignored me and continued to write in her journal i decided this would be a good time to get more out of her.

"what are you writing?" i said, sitting down across from her ,glancing at a book she seemed to be writing in.

Nishelles P.O.V

Dang this boy was pressing me. He betta be lucky he's cute or else his a** would be told the hell off with no remorse i'm really not in the mood. My emotions were all jacked and out of nowhere the biatch within me rose up.

"I said you could sit..didn't ask for a convo."

ouch....did i say that?.....Maybe i was a little hard.

" well d*mn just tryna be nice" he said, and got up to leave.

"i'm sorry....i...nevermind" i said, shaking my head giving up, knowing i had made him upset.

"look i don't know you like that, but i hate to see when women cry. just wanna make sure you are okay." He said walking back standing there.

I took a glance at him this time now really noticing him. He was really cute. What was i thinking? ugh. I have to be honest with him. He was just looking out for me. He deserves that much.

"i'm sorry i didn't mean to i'm just going through..."

"well..." Looking at his watch, "we got twenty minutes left of lunch. Think you can fit everything in that time frame?" he said lightly laughing.

This boy really had me smiling on my worst day. It takes a lot for that to happen these days. I like this dude he's different.

"There goes that smile!" he said, smiling himself.

"it's a lot i don't want to bother you with my issues. i don't even know you. and it's too deep."

"well deep is my middle name. you should hear about my life...!"

" like?"

"no...its your time.. nineteen minutes promise it won't leave me."

"my mom's fiancé...."

"Lemmie guess....not to be harsh..but is he doing "things" to you isn't he? you don't have to go into detail just say yes or no..."

wow he really hit the nail with that one. As i thought about it my eyes became waterfalls without my control. I instantly broke down.

"yep...i know..i know it all too well" he said, watching me.

"how did you know?"

"like i said deep is my middle name, my sister has been through that with my now mom's dead boyfriend...."

He gave a menacing look that scared me a little. I was definitely going to mention that later if we continued to be friends.

"Oh"...sorry to hear about that" is all i could say. I didn't know what else to say.

"naw don't apologize he deserved it and my sister well, yeah.... she's good now. you don't deserve what your going through, and just know it is not your fault. you shouldn't be holding that sh*t in. its not cool."

What the hell was up with the connection with my eyeballs and these waterworks coming out of them? it's either that or this boy can really bring out the emotion that i so desperately tried to keep in. He got up from where he was sitting and came and sat next to me.

"you too pretty to cry like that. do you need a hug? i can offer one thats if you okay with that.."

I allowed him to hug me for some odd reason. What was really going on here?. But i really needed someone at that moment. Let alone we sat there hugging. That was until the bell rung...ugh killed it.....

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