Mr. Writer's Secret Life

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                                    Mr. Writer’s secret life

Characters-Mr. Writer-the star and #1 fan of the Jonas Brothers Ike-the poor boy taunted by Mr. Writer who has a picture of the Jonas brothers in his binder Girl 1-Random Girl who found out Mr. Writer’s secret Girl 2-Another random girl who also found out about Mr. Writer Girl 3- Also a random girl who found out about Mr. Writer’s tight pants Mr. Sprecher and Mr. Sarisohn-THE JOKERS! Setting-Julius West Middle School (to be more specific, Mr. Writer’s classroom! mainly)

 Props and costumes- Santa hat, reindeer horns, binder with a picture of one of the Jones brothers on the cover, normal student and teacher clothes, tight pants! Present with the label “SUCKER!” Jonas brother’s fan shirt, another binder for Girl 3, and duck tape

     Curtain up (if done on stage that is) Act one, Scene 1 Mr. Writer’s classroom (School bell rings for the start of class)

Mr. Writer-(sighs) All right class. Clear your desk of everything except for a pencil. As you all

know today we will be taking our…

(Mr. Writer looks at a boys binder and noticed it had a poster of one of the Jonas brothers)

Mr. Writer-(Gasps!) Ike! That is the most inappropriate thing I have ever seen! You should be ashamed of yourself. (Points his finger at Ike)

Ike-What!? What do you mean?

Mr. Writer-GIVE ME THAT!

(Mr. Writer takes the binder from Ike’s desk and holds it up high for everyone to see)

 Ike-Hey! Give it back. It’s private.

( Gets out of his seat and tries to take it away from him. However he couldn’t manage to do it. )

Mr. Writer-(mocking like tone) Hey everyone! Look who likes the Jonas brothers.

(Mr. Writer moves the binder side to side along with his body while everyone laughs and points at either the boy or Mr. Writer )

Ike- (covers his face with his hands while he stands there in despair) Why me? Someone please get me out of this class. (bell rings)

Mr. Writer- Huh time flys by so fast when you’re having fun.

(Everyone gets up, pushes in their chairs and leaves the room/stage)

 Mr. Writer- All right good bye, bye, bye, bye, bye, merry Christmas you losers I mean good scholars. (curtain closes for awhile. Then curtain comes up after scene changes.)

                                        Act two Scene 2 Mr. Sprecher’s room

Mr. Sprecher- All right Mr. Sarisohn you know how tired we are of Mr. Writer going “All right class today we’re going to learn about the…” (uses dumb like tone when he mimics Mr. Writer) Am I right or am I right?

Mr. Sarisohn- You sure bet I am!  I just can’t even get what he’s trying to teach. I don’t even know why he’s here. I think he just needs a bit more singing

(Mr. Sarisohn starts singing “It’s raining sunshine! It’s raining sunshine!” while Mr. Sprecher shakes his head “no”)

Mr. Sprecher- You got it all wrong! It goes like this.

( Mr. Sprecher starts singing It’s raining sunshine in his own version while Mr. Sarisohn covers his ears)

Mr. Sarisohn- Okay, okay I get it you win!

(Mr. Sprecher stops singing and Mr. Sarisohn uncovers his ears)

Mr. Sprecher- You know what it’s you that won. But somehow all this singing made me come up the most brilliant plan ever!

Mr. Sarisohn- Does this mean I won a prize?

Mr. Sprecher- Ehhhh no. Okay I call it plan Duck tape! That’s the prize.

Mr. Sarisohn- But you said I didn’t won a prize.(Takes a moment for his “light bulb” to light up) Oh I get it.

Mr. Sprecher- Okay remember that day when we said to him “today we’re going to make cookies” and that tight pants and Jonas brothers fan shirts are in for guys?

 Mr. Sarisohn- Yeah?

Mr. Sprecher- Well when the coast is clear, we’re going to give him the biggest Christmas present he has ever gotten!(shows Mr. Sarisohn a roll of duck tape and winks in front of the auidence)

Mr. Sarisohn- Oh I get it. It will be just like Halloween when you did that activity and let the kids egg the “king’s house” when you were trying to teach them about John Locke and his ideas of how a government should rule.

 Mr. Sprecher- Eggactly!

 (Mr. Sprecher claps his hands and both of them started laughing. Later they leave stage and curtain closes)

                                            Act 3 Scene 1(Mr. Writer’s classroom)

(Curtain goes up. Mr. Writer sits in his desk all board and pretends to grade papers. When the “coast is clear”, he takes off his shirt and underneath it he wore a Jonas borthers fan t-shirt)

Mr. Writter- YAHOO!!!! I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS! They make everybody’s dreams come true.

(gets out of his chair and prances all around the room shouting “I’m the first Jonas brothers fan boy! Until he hears a knock on the door)

 Mr. Writer- Ohhhh company! I bet it’s members of the Jonas Brothers fan club! Good thing Mr. Sprecher and Mr. Sarisohn helped me bake some cookies!

!Mr. Writer opens the door and in the hallway stood three girls with puzzled looks on. Girl 3 drops her binder to the ground.)

Girl 1-Oh my Gosh! Mr. Writer is that really you?

Girl 2- Okay? Why the heck are you wearing a Jonas Brothers fan shirt?

 Girl 3- And why are you wearing tight pants?

Mr. Writer- Heh heh heh? Well you see girls it’s a new fashion statement for guys. Mr. Sprecher even said so himself.

 All three girls- Uh like who ever believes that?

                             Act 4, Scene 4 The upstairs hallway

 (Mr. Sprecher and Mr. Sarisohn laugh out loud outside the classroom. Mr. Writer storms out of the room angrily and notices Mr. Sprecher was wearing a Santa Clause hat while Mr. Sarisohn was wearing reindeer horns)

 Mr. Sprecher- Hey Mr. Writer! Merry Christmas (says that while waving his hand)

Mr. Sarisohn –(sings) And a Happy New Year!

(Both teachers ran away laughing with Mr. Writer behind them until Mr .Writer couldn’t find them when he was far away from the room.)

Mr. Writer- Now where on Earth could those two tricksters be?

(Mr. Writer notices a present on the ground and picks it up)

 Mr. Writer- A present for me? (Goes back to his room skipping happily, only to find out there was duck tape tapped to the entrance of his classroom)

 Mr. Writer- Huh?

(Mr. Writer enters the classroom only to find out that it was a tangled mess of papers on the ground, spider web like duck tape from wall to wall, and a plate full of cookie crumbs)

Mr. Writer- OHHHHHH!!!! I AM SO GOING TO TELL MS. POIRIER WHAT HAPPENED! But at least I am safe with my ‘secret Santa gift”

(Mr. Writer notices the words “sucker!” on it but still went on opening the gift only to find that there was nothing inside.

Mr. Writer- Nothing!?Why doesn’t anyone like me? (Goes to his desk and puts his head on it)

                                                                                             Curtain closes

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⏰ Huling update: Dec 05, 2011 ⏰

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