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Alex just layed on her bed, remembering her father.


''You're gonna be good at this, Alex.'' Her father said, ''When I'm gone, you'll be alpha of this pack.'' He continued. ''Dad, what are you talking about? Where are you going?'' Alex asked, her father kissed her on the forehead. They heard a crash and he went to see what is there, he didn't come back. Alex got scared, she is just 12.

She went downstairs and saw hunters, Argents. Holding her father and putting silver on him. She growled and showed her bright purple eyes. But Kate Argent was faster and made mountain ash barrier.

Alex saw hunters torturing him with silver. He's gonna die. She started crying, begging them to let her dad go. Kate just smiled at her face and punched her.

''It's okay, Alex.'' Her father said, she didn't response, she just cried. They punched him again so hard that he howled and shoved his dark green eyes, not red, but green. Hunters knew it's time to die for him. So they stabbed him with silver knife and set him on fire.

Alex cried and then she felt the power she never had, she broke the barrier and hunters looked at disbelief. She turned into a wolf, black wolf that wanted to come out since her birth, she howled, alpha howl. Gerard Argent thought. Kate was scared right at the moment she saw Alex's eyes turned to bright red and Alex bite Gerard at his leg. He still cant walk because of that bite. And they ran. She made a promise to herself that she will revenge her fathers death.

She cried and just jumped from her window and went to the woods, it was full moon. She knew Scott has a newbie in pack so he probably wont know to control himself. But she wanted to shift into her wolf, so she just ran. Thinking of her father, and his special ability, triggers. She was angry and pissed. All the rage is running through her veins, she started shapeshifting but felt different power. Much bigger power. Like her fathers. She howled, it was the biggest and highest howl she ever did . Her pack heard her and knew that she finally pulled the trigger on. Her fathers power. Scotts pack heard it also, Liam got scared, Stiles and others knew that its her. Even the ground was shaking. It was like Banshee's not highest scream.

Mason heard it too, happy for Alex for now being the mega strongest alpha ever. He started driving, new boy is leaving.
Alex felt weird and more powerful. Under the moonlight there was a lake, so she went there and saw her wolf, not black but dark grey colour. Her eyes weren't bright red anymore, they were dark red, even darker color that Deucalion's eyes.

She realised what' happening. Her fathers power reached to her.


''I didn't kill her!'' Alex said to Sheriff Stilinski, he just took hancuffs and put them on her hands. He arrested her. They came to the police station and handcuffed her to a chair she saw Stiles so she awkwardly waved him.

''Mothers name Maria Parrish, Fathers name not written, Guardian Bonnie Smith. '' A depudy said, but Parrish shook his head. ''There must be something wrong, that's my mothers name.'' He said looking at Alex that suprisingly looked at him. They took her to 'Question room'

She was there alone, and she put her legs on the table, ''Sup.'' She said to Scott's father, he's gonna question her.

''Did you kill Carrie Hudson?'' He asked, of course she didn't. Carrie was her friend. Orphans were the one that killed her.

''No.'' She said, he just looked at her not believing her. From the other side Parrish, Sheriff Stilinski and Stiles were watching that.

''Don't lie! Orphans told us that you've working with them. Even children from your school told that you two were never good friends" He said, '' What are you talking about? I would never kill her, she was my friend. You trust serial killers, not me. Does that makes you good FBI Agent? It doesn't. How I see you love getting everything served without any good evidence. It that why you left Scott or is it..'' She talked but a hand on her face stopped her, he slapped her. He freaking slapped her.

Stiles couldn't believe it. Another Agent came in asking her about her father, ''What is his name?'' He asked, looking through her files not suprised. She didn't like his additute.

''Zander'' She answered while her voice cracks. ''What is his last name?'' He asked again. Her last name is Parrish obviously it's his as well
''Zander.'' She said.

''So his name is Zander Zander?'' He asked again, and Alex mentally face palmed herself. ''No.'' She answered. ''Omg, you're so stupid!'' He freaks.

''You too, '' She said and then looking at camera, ''may I get a smart agent? I want to go home. '' She asked. She 'killed' Carrie but she didn't even kill her. So she has to stay there for 24 hours.

Stiles, Parrish and Scott came in, ''Did you kill her?" Stiles asked

''I didn't kill her!'' She said through her teeth, ''How can I Trust you?" He asked again

''Stiles, go easy on her.'' Scott said, ''Carrie was my friend, I would never kill her.'' She said, Parrish felt like he should trust her, but others didn't.

''Lets go, Scott'' He said and left angry with Scott. Parrish stayed there with her in silence, '' So you have the same last name as I, you are alpha, the strongest, your mother has the same name as me and at your files you have no fathers name as me.'' He said, makes sense. She remembered listening and reading legends about her family, and her brother that was a hellhound, she never met him same as her father. She didn't know she had a brother and her father didn't know he has a son.

At the legends was also written that her brother was embarrassment for her family since her family were werewolves and he was a hellhound. So her mother than gave to him and gave him to orphanage. Alex never believed in that, but Bonnie always said that sometimes the legends are true.

''I guess you're my brother'' She said, tears in her eyes. She has a brother, it all makes sense now. ''And you are my sister.'' He said happy, ''You know you look like my mother, our.'' He said,

''You look like him" She said and gave him a huge bear hug, tears streaming down both of theirs cheeks

And for the first time they had their brother-sister hug.

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