19. Daddy Problems

Start from the beginning

Mom was standing at the doorway. She sighed and I could see that she was tearing up.

"Serves you right," Trey grumbled just loud enough for Dad to hear.

"I know I deserved it. I should have seen it. Monica was just after my money. She left as soon as I was broke. I didn't know where else to go, so I came here. I didn't expect you to welcome me with open arms, and I swear that all I meant to do was just see you, just one last time, from a distance. But when I came to my senses, I realized I had come up right to the door and rung the doorbell."

His sniffled and I didn't know what to think. He used to be the super dad who carried us high up in the air and pretend to be an airplane. He was a happy man with a loving wife and two children.

And then, that woman stepped into our lives and ruined everything. She seduced our innocent dad until he cracked. He fell in love with her, or at least he thought he did. Then, she stole all of his money and fled, leaving a broken family behind.

Our dad was at fault too. He was the one who gave into the temptation. He abandoned us without a second glance. Mom was barely able to make ends meet, then she got a job at the Osteria restaurant branches.

A well-paying job was all it took to get our family back on track. She managed to pay some tuition fees for Trey's college. Then after all these years, he turns up as a broken old man with no money, no home, and no family.

I wanted to forgive him. I felt sorry for him, but a more stubborn part refused to give him a second chance. I looked at Trey. I could see that he was boiling with anger.

"Now that you've seen us, leave," he said quietly. "You've done enough, so leave and never show your face to us again."

I could tell that really hurt dad, but he wasn't surprised. He knew he would get nothing but hostility from his family.

"I will," Dad said between sobs. "I just wanted to see if you guys were doing well. I heard you're going to join the force, Trey. You make me proud. And Nicole, I'm so proud that you're keeping your grades up."

Trey stood up abruptly, knocking his chair over. "Proud? You leave us before we even hit puberty and never even show your face until you lose everything and you're proud of us? You don't even deserve to be called our father. You go after a slut and leave us to fend for ourselves and now that it's too late, you come crawling back here and telling us that you're sorry? You are unbelievable. Out. Get out of this house and never even so much as step foot in Riverside again, you got it?"

Stunned silence filled the room. Trey cursed and angrily walked away. I've never seen him so angry in my life. Dad just sat there, resting his head in his hands.

Mom walked over and gently helped him up.

"I think it's time for you to leave," she said softly. Her words were soft, but there was a coldness in her voice that told him that he wasn't welcome here.

I couldn't help but wonder if he even had a place to stay.

No, a voice at the back of my head said, he abandoned you and never even thought to check up on how you were doing. He left you when you needed him most. He abandoned his family, his children, for a pretty face. He doesn't deserve to have a home. He can go die for all you care.

I shook my head to get rid of these vile thoughts. I was mad at him, but no matter how much I refused to accept it, he was my father. He gave life to me.

It didn't matter anymore. He just needed to get out of here. He was only causing more pain for all of us if he stayed.

While my mom escorted him out, I left to find Trey. He wasn't in the extra room given to him, so I went outside.

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