Exams are finally over,thank god and now I'm done with college for a while. With my parents visiting my auntie in Angola because she gave birth that means I've a got free yard for a whole month. This also  means Fifa session with mandem every fucking day,smoking ami all day,and beating Neveah on the stove. If she's on it obviously. Everything's been going calm without my parents so far but I miss them but I'm  happy they ain't here for a while and I need to chill I have more time to myself. Life's been busy.
I've just stepped out the shower a couple minutes ago and I've just got done creaming my body. I open up my wardrobe and contemplate on what to wear. Since I ain't got a motive today  I ain't tryna do bits so I put on a pair of adidas joggers and throw myself on my bed. I pick up my phone and unlock it to find bare missed calls from Neveah. I know it ain't her calling and is probably her parents so I haven't been picking up any of the calls I've been getting.
Abruptly there's loud banging on the door. I sigh and kiss my teeth. I slowly make my way down stairs as the banging gets louder.
"Ay relax bruv". I shouted over the banging.
As soon as I unlock the door it swings back nearly knocking my hairline off my yam head.
"What the fuck is wrong with you ugly fool? What the hell was you thinking speaking to my mum like that? Do you know how much trouble I am in?You have no fucking idea how much you've fucked up. I had to run away because I tried to defend your ugly self. I swear down I hate you! Ugly bitch"
"Too much talk Nevs,my brain can't process all of that". I laughed but she keeps a straight face as tears of anger fill her eyes.
She literally throws me out of her way and pushes last me,with thousands of bags strapped around her body. What have I got her into?
I follow her upstairs into my bedroom where she dumps all her bags on the floor.
She slumps her self on my bed and wipes away her tears of frustration. I sit down next to her and give her multiple kisses on the lips but she pushes my face away.  I put my arm around her neck and analyse her face as she breathes heavily.
"So you wanna come in my yard act all ruthless but won't give me a kiss?".
"No,I hate you". She cried hitting my chest hard and since I'm topless it kinda hurt.
"Ahh,I'm sorry but your mum got on my nerves asking me bare questions and shit. She was bare integrating man say she's Feds. Our relationship ain't got nothing to do with her".
"I hear but you could've of at least talked to her nicely and me being stupid plus not thinking I got brave and got rude to her and started a massive argument. My parents are gonna kill us".
"At least we're gonna die together". I said trying to make her laugh because you see I'm a funny guy.
"Lorenzo you think this is all a joke don't you?".
"I don't but you shouldn't be stressing. The amount of secrets your parents have kept from you which you had to right to know about and they wanna complain about you having a boyfriend".
"Maybe this ain't gonna work out". She said.
"Allow them talks Neveah. I dare you try break up with me,I'll--". I get cut off my the sound of loud banging AGAIN.

"Morgs,what do you think of Julian?". I asked.
"I think he's a immature little fuckboy but a funny,chill person too. Why are asking?". She questioned too.
"No reason,I was just curious about what you thought of him. Daz all".
"Sharee,I know you're feeling him don't even bother try lying to me".
"Haaa,what?". I scoffed.
On a real though,me and Julian have been talking on a lot for these past few months and I have developed feelings for him. However I ain't sure about he feels about because Julian's known for chatting to bare girls so it could just be him being nice and flirty to me but he has no feelings for me whatsoever. And plus me and his brother are still kind of in a relationship.
"Ree,what's going on with you and Junior? Also why have you all of sudden caught feelings for his TWIN brother?". Morgan asked.
"Well ever since we found about what junior used to do to Neveah and what he did recently, I never looked at him the same. All my feelings suddenly done 10 toes and I've just never felt the same way about him since. He disgusts me in away but I still do care about him. I just don't wanna be in a relationship with him anymore." I admitted.
"I hear you because what Junior did wasn't right but why Julian? I mean you could do better".
"Well,Julian is actually a sweet boy when you have deep convos with him and he listens to what you've got to say attentively. And you can't even lie,he's really attractive"
"Are we still talking about the same Julian here?". Morgan sarcastically asked.
"Ree,how do you know you ain't having all these feelings for Julian because you want somebody to love? I think you still love Junior but you just can't find a way to forgive him. I mean Neveah has and she was the victim so why can't you".
Ngl,Morgan's something you know and she could be right because of really didn't want to be with Junior I would've broken up with him longtime ago.
"Neveah forgave him again? When was this?".
"Recently, you know we should call Neveah and asks her what she thinks of this maybe she can help you forgive Junior".
I nod since Neveah actually gives good advice SOMETIMES,sometimes she chats pure shit. Morgan beings to dial Neveah's number.
*On the phone to Neveah*
"Heyy bitch you good yeah?". Morgan started. However after that her face screws up and she look confused as ever. I take her phone out her hand and put it on loudspeaker.
"Hey,Neveah wagwarn for you?". I said as I wonder why Morgans face looked so disgusted.
"WHERES NEVEAH?! I KNOW SHES THERE. TELL SHES A DEAD GYAL WALKING". The woman said bare stuttering and shit.
"Shit den,Morgan who's this? Are you sure this Neveah's number?". I laughed.
"On my life this is Neveah's number I spoke to her this morning".
"Oh well then,who this and where's Neveah?".
"That's what I'm asking you,don't play games with me".
"Shut up before I come running up on you. Watch your mouth now where's Neveah".
'Morgan starts cackling because she know I ain't this brave😂.
"Nah Ree,lock off the call is probably some next nitty who wrapped Neveah's phone". Morgan said
"No actually I'm not some any nitty,I'm her mum. Now please tell where Neveah is". Th woman said much calmer.
Me and Morgan exchange looks and ours eyes both widen a if we read each others minds. Shit den. I feel so bad for telling her to shut up.
"Oh,sorry Mrs King. Honestly we didn't no know who this was but we don't know where Neveah is". Morgan said politely.
"Why though,is she ok and why hasn't she got her phone?". I asked.
"She's done 10 toes out the yard and lords knows where she's gone". She said
"What?". Morgan and I said in unison. My cheeks expand as I'm about to burst out with laughter. Now I understand why Neveah says her parents think their road😂. It's not by force you know.
"Wait what? Neveah's runaway? Why?". Morgan asked.
"Because I found out her and Lorenzo are in a relationship when I answered her phone and he had the audacity to swear at me. Does he think he's bad?".
I wish my mum was like this😫.
"IS THAT MAN LIKELORENZO FINALLY SECURING GYAL LIKE RASCLART NEVEAH YEAH?MY COUSINS DOING BITS UNA". I loudly cheered forgetting Neveah's mums on the phone and making Morgan crack up hysterically.
"You guys really think he's good for her huh?". Her mums sighed.
"Yeah,Lorenzo's a good guy even though he's sly ugly". Morgan said. These times they used to date.
"I agree with the last bit". Neveah's mum agreed.
"But Lorenzo's got a good heart and he actually loves Neveah. He's extremely over protective of her and he was probably being an idiot before because he must've thought you was gonna try come between them".
"But why so I have such a bad feeling about him". Neveah's mum sighed.

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