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I'm going to be off of WattPad for a month. I will answer pm and read books on here but that's all. I'm thinking of coming back on my birthday which is August 7. My mom says I need to be more social and yadayadyada. I don't see how she wants me to be more social Because, 1. I don't talk at all.
2. I've never used my voice
3. If I do anything it's weird.
She also says I spend too much time on my phone and all that. I cant sleep with this thought on my mind so... I'm probably going to be gone for a month or so. My birthday is August 7 so that's when I'll be back on. I will keep my notifs on for Pm's but otherwise I'm not answering. I'll try to be on as much as I can tomorrow to finish my last day. I'm hoping with this break I will get some ideas for my stories and stuff. So tomorrow will be my last day replying to comments. If you want to reach me on Deviantart mine is: FemaleSans02. I'm going to miss you all.
And all my followers.

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