My Dragon Slayer [Fairy Tail NaLu Fanfiction]

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Hey readers! This is my first writing of a fanfiction, so it would be okay to make a few mistakes, eventually I will make a Jerza fanfiction when this one is finished. :D 

(Also, the sequel is out to this, please read and vote it's not getting the attention of what this one is like D:)

Natsu P.O.V. 

I opened my eyes to see I was in Lucy's room, I guess I slept here again, I get so tired after all beating people's butts. I look over to see Lucy sleeping, man she's cu- 
Gah! What am I thinking, we're team mates after all, and also I'm dating Lisanna! 

I decided to get up and get Happy up as well. 
"Happy, when we get out of here make sure not to wake Lucy up." I say quietly to Happy. 
"Aye Sir." Happy says quietly. 

We sneak out of the apartment Lucy lives in, and decide to head to Fairy Tail first up and look for a job, you know how Lucy hates not having any money for rent, she goes crazy. I continue walking and see Lisanna standing outside waving. 

"Good morning Natsu-kun!" Lisanna yells to me. 
"Morning Lisanna." I reply back to her.  

The three of us walk inside Fairy Tail and have a look at the jobs. 

"Hm, a job for a criminal that was stealing over 1 million jewels from the bank at Mallowlyn Town, that'll be a walk away." I say to Lisanna and Happy. 
"Who said we'll be walking?" A person said to me with long scarlet hair. 
"G-Gah Erza." I look at Erza shocked hearing her say that.  

 I start to run off screaming help, I eventually outrun Erza and hide behind the guild hall panting.
"Man, she runs fast, but thanks to my fire I ran faster then her." I say to Happy.
 "You nearly got beaten to a pulp by her last time" Happy replies. 

I sigh and see Lisanna walk up to me, at least she cheered me up once in a while. 


Lucy P.O.V. 

Natsu-san, if only I could express my feeling towards you, there's no way I can bring myself to say it especially when Natsu has Lisanna as his girlfriend. I clench my hands into my chest blushing, I gotta get to Fairy Tail, who knows what jobs are up for grabs. 

I get up and change into my everyday clothes, I go to my mirror and do up my hair and put on my boots. Of course I grab my celestial keys, I have 10 of the gold zodiac keys so I gotta keep them safe at all costs. I start to head out the door and walk to Fairy Tail. 

I walk in and see people laughing and smiling, this is the reason I love Fairy Tail, it's completely fun here. I look at the jobs available and Erza walks up to me and I look at her. 
"Lucy, do you know where Natsu is?" Erza asks me. 

I be quiet on hearing the name.. Natsu. Natsu is the one I truly love, no one else, everyone other guys in Fairy Tail are just close friends. 

"I haven't seen him Erza, sorry." I reply to her. 
"It's no problem, I'll find him eventually." Erza says. 

"So are there any jobs our team can do?" I ask Erza. 
"Yes, the job is at Mallowlyn Town, we'll take the boat there it's quicker." Erza says. 
"Sure, sounds like a high job." I say to Erza as I smile.

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