"I didn't think it would be this awkward,though." I understand it bein' a lil weird because we haven't seen each other since I was seven years old. I thought that I would feel something good about bein' here. Maybe not jumpin' for joy, but I came here to.. I really don't even know. Get my Dad back? Have a relationship wit' him? But his nonchalant attitude made me not even want to anymore.

Everything was so weird! I guess it was because he just left me as a kid. And that's why I don't have a good feelin' about this.

Fuck, man. I'm really confused right now. I know I gotta forgive to move on and shit, but I lowkey don't even care. He obviously moved on smooth. This man is married and takin' care of somebody else's kid but couldn't be my Dad?

"I mean.. It's been so long.." My Dad said.

"But still.. You're my Dad, right?"

"Yeah, of course." He rushed. "But what made you want to come here?"

"The letters. I finally read them so I figured-"

"You came all the way to New York for five letters?" He asked confusedly.

"What? Five letters?" I frowned. Five letters? He sent me way more than five letters.

"Yeah, five letters." He said factually, but still confused. "I only wrote and sent you five letters."

"Five letters? How? I have box full of letters." I said confusedly.

"As bad as this sounds. I didn't write the letters you're talkin' about."

"This isn't makin' any sense."

"I'm just as confused as you are."

"Man, look." I frowned at him. "I know me bein' here is a surprise. I don't even know why I came here considerin' that you gave me up when my Mom was killed. If you don't want to see me, just tell me. Don't lie to about not writin' letters when I have a shoe box full."

"I'm not lyin' to you, Shawn. I'm sorry, but I didn't write those letters.

"So if you didn't send the letters, then who sent them?"

"That's what I want to know.. Maybe it was your grand-"

"Nah! Don't do that. Don't accuse my Grammy. She knows how I feel about this whole thing."

"You su-"

"It wasn't her." I glared at him.

"Alright." He held his hands up in defense. "So who was it?"

"How should I know?" I asked gettin' frustrated. "You're supposed to be my Dad! Why did you- Forget it. Come on, Bey." I stood up from the couch and grabbed her hand to pull her up

"I sent the letters!" His wife blurted out.

"What?" Sheldon, my dad, asked her. He was pissed as if he had a right to be.

"You stopped writing him and you shouldn't have.. I just wanted Shawn to write you back, and for you guys to reunite."

"Did you really give up on me after five letters?" In disbelief, I asked. Comin' out here was really a mistake.

Sheldon sighed. "You weren't writin' me back. I was wasting my time-"

I frowned hard. "You had my Granny's address! You didn't think to visit me?!"

"I didn't think that you wanted to see me since you didn't write back."

"I was seven!! You should have come anyway! You obviously didn't care that much-"

Runaway Love[Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon