16 - I Don't Care

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Devin's POV.

I felt sad when I saw all those couples coming out of the building after the final bell rang. They were all so happy while I was all sad and depressed trying to find a way for Drew to forgive me. But I started thinking about what I had heard. That she's talking to this boy. That made my blood boil. She does not need to be talking to anyone but me. Then I remembered that I heard that he's a, badass player, who breaks girls hearts. So it's not going to be long before Drew is back in my arms.

Almost everybody came out if the building and I still hadn't found Drew.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Raziyah's number. It rand three times before she answered.

"Yes Devin?" She answered irritated.

"I still don't see Drew."

"Ok. What am I supposed to do," she question.

"I don't know, something!" I exclaimed.

"All I know is she's wearing a light purple crop top with some shorts and some sandals. And her hair is curled. And she's probably with Ev."

That son of a bitch.

"Can you describe her facial features?" I said as calmly as possible.

"She looks the same just older. Look I have to go. Bye." She hung up.

Why does she have to be with Everett? Like, are they ever apart? Ugh, this is going to make it harder for me to talk to her.

After what seemed like forever, she finally came out the double doors. Got damn. The years have done her well. Her legs are sculpted to perfection. She's even more curvy. If that even makes sense. She still has her baby face and adorable dimples when she smiles. And that ass! It's not too big nor too small. It's nice and round and just the perfect size.

I just silently gawked at her from a distance while her and that boy wondered through the parking lot like lost puppies. When I realized they found the car I also realized I needed to get Drew's attention.

"Drew," I yelled.

She turned around with a smile on her face but it quickly faded when she realized it was me. I expected that from her considering what happened years ago, but it still hurt.

"Devin?" she asked/whispered.

"Hey." I smiled and gave her a hug, but she didn't hug back.

She pushed me away and looked down then looked back up. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"What? I can't come see an old acquaintance?" I joked.

"Devin." She said sternly.

"I just came to talk."

"Well she can't." The boy cut in.

"I don't believe I asked you. I could've sworn I was talking to Drew." I stated bitterly.

"I don't believe I care." He replied.

"Look little boy I don't have time for games. I'm here for one reason and one reason only. So if you don't mind."

"Look she doesn't want to talk."

"How would you know?" I questioned.

"Think long and hard. Do you really believe for one second she's going to want to talk to you? After all you put her through. If you do then you're a dumbass." He replied.

"Who you calling a dumbass little nigga?" I semi-yelled.

"You! Who else?"

"Man, you lucky you are a minor."

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