"Peter, where are you?" I breathed as I held my guns close to me.

"With Milo, shooting everybody while he and the other hackers destroy the choppers." He answered, but continued before I could. "Get to the medical room and stay there with the injured people."

"Got it." I stated before running inside.

I was greeted by a Russian guy trying to sideswipe me, but I shot him in the shoulder and kept going. The medical room was in the east wing, but the men were everywhere, bullets flying, people screaming, but they wanted something. They wouldn't attack without a reason.

"Jack… I promise I'll protect our team." I stated as I fell to the ground before swiping my feet at the ankles of a Russian, who fell to the ground as I shot him in the knee and picked up his gun, emptying the ammo and stocking it in my belt.

I ignored my thoughts for a second to run without getting shot, and then kicking open the medical room door. I saw Jane and Alex right away, and then everyone else who were in no condition to fight. Sure, we weren't supposed to have guns in here, but I'm surprised anybody followed it.

"Really?" I asked after looking around, backing up slowly and waiting for the first idiot to come over here.

"Why are you here!?" Jane exclaimed, and I turned back towards her.

"Because I fight for my coworkers, and my team." I stated, shooting the first guy who tried to come in here. "And I don't care what Vice or Pres thinks."

"Pres didn't come into work today." Jane stated, and I kicked the door shut again, ducking when a bullet came through the wall.

"Well then, he's going to be in for one hell of a surprise, won't he?" I told her as I gave her my extra gun, and she scooted closer to me to help shoot people. I had the only weapons, and there were at least thirty people. And I had to protect every single one of them.

"I hope everybody's doing okay out there." Alex stated, but I clamped the gun closer in my hands, reloading it.

"I'm just worried about the people in here right now." I breathed as the banging started on the other side, and Jane and I had our guns aimed directly at it. Another figure entered with guns, and we both simultaneously shot, and he fell to the floor. I reached the guns he had and took his ammo, but it sounded like it was mellowing out, so I cocked my gun up and crept forward to go check. Peter showed up before I reached the door, but I aimed at him anyway, but his arms flung up, showing surrender.

"Jeez, Peter. I could've killed you." I growled as I cocked the gun back. "Is everything okay out there?"

"Yeah, but some people got shot. Some are going to the hospital, but most are staying here. Vice said Pres was notified, and he was going to be here soon." He informed, and I looked back at the people already in here, all the people shot or poisoned who couldn't be out on the field. Now, more would join that group.

Why wasn't I allowed to go out on the field again?

I was given the notice that the Russians had retreated because of the crashed helicopters on the roof, and I went out trying to find Milo. I couldn't hear anything through the earpiece because there was so much noise, which made it way harder than I expected.

"Hey, have you seen Milo?" I asked one of the managers, but he shook his head. "Send him to the medical room if you do." I ordered before heading off, pushing against the crowd to find my only team member I haven't seen alive yet.


I don't know how long it took, but I know it was evening by the time I found Milo. He was with the other hackers that ended up not getting shot, which was about a tenth of what we originally had. And         they were talking to Vice.

"Milo!" I called, running over to him, avoiding the things that were carrying my coworkers away to either the hospital or the medical room. His head snapped towards me with a smile, and his arms opened, and I ran into them.

"Hey, you're okay." Milo stated, and I felt so relieved to hear his voice.

"What are you doing here?" Vice shot at me with a glare, so I copied him.

"My team needed me. The entire medical room would be dead if it weren't for me." I stated, breaking away from Milo and pointing way across the building. "Just lift the suspension. I'll do my job no matter what."

"Your job right now is college. I don't understand what you don't get by that." He said lowly, turning away from me. "Now, if you excuse me, I have other matters to attend to." He said as he walked somewhere else, but I decided not to follow. I left the building but stood right outside it, and lifted my hand to my ear, turning up the microphone to the earpiece.

"Where's my team?" I asked weakly, standing awkwardly outside as everyone did the work inside. I just wanted to talk to them, hear their voice, know the Russians didn't take them too.

"Here." Jane informed.

"You saw me already." Milo said.

"Yep." Alex copied.

"You know I am." Peter said.

"Guys…" I started slowly, looking around for any one of them, but didn't see any. "I don't know when I'll be out on the field again…"

"Don't say that, Belle. Vice is just stressed about the Russian attack. Once he sees how many people were injured and how many can actually go into the field, he'll lift the suspension. Just… give him time." Jane assured, and looking around, I almost believed her. 

"Was anybody actually killed?" I asked, but scared to know the answer. It was never good when an agent was killed. Hell broke loose. Their team killed everybody in their path to get to the one that killed their team member. Things never went back to being normal, and we all had that experience.

"Nobody's found anyone dead, but not all the building has been checked. I think the fighting was mostly on the first floor though, and everybody on the second floor has at least a semi. Most have a shotgun or some sort of pistol, and the people on the roof have their own stash." Peter informed, and it made me feel a little bit better, but not enough to matter.

"What should I do, guys?" I breathed, needing their assistance. I didn't know what to do anymore because of Vice.

"Do you want to stick around?" Jane asked immediately, sensing the tone of my voice. "I don't know what Vice will think-"

"Go home, Belle." Alex ordered sternly, covering Jane's voice. "Your parents will be looking for you because I know you ran off without warning or telling them where you were going." He sounded confident, but I didn't want to admit that he was right.

"Stop getting in my life, Alex." I growled. I didn't want to, but I left the property before things got worse. I needed some sort of sanity.

But that didn't mean I was heading home.

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