To Be Noticed (Chapter 5)-What a good day.

Start from the beginning

"I'll tell you who your partners are now so you can learn the dance with them, so lets see....Craig Crippen with Jasmine Leads, Chanel Dunsmore with Deshaun Williams....." She basically went on and on and I wasn't listening till she said...

"Oh? Well it seems that we have an odd number in the class since Chanel joined, so the last two boys will have to work to together...Jacob and Chresanto." I looked over at Santo who happened to also be staring back at me.

"Ray, Shay, Chresanto and Jacob! Please come here." Miss Collins shouted for us over the class, causing my eye contact with Santo to break. I sent him a quick smile and headed to the teacher along with Shay and he did the same with Ray following.

"Yes Miss.Collins?"

"Shay since you and Ray know your choreography already I have set a task for you two. Same goes for Jacob and Chresanto because you two didn't get a routine to learn. So for your project I want both teams to choreograph your own dance."

Ray and Shay's faces lit up, and so did mine but Santo didn't look too happy so I pulled him to the side to see what was up.

"Hey, whats up?" He shook his head and looked down.

"It's nothing..." He still had his head down, someone so handsome shouldn't hide their face.

"Obviously it's something Santo." He looked up at me and sighed.

"It's this project." What does he mean? Does he not want to do the project with me?


"No, Jake don't take it the wrong way, its just...I wouldn't know the start of how to choreograph a dance." Aw he looks so cute all shy and stuff...he's going red and everything! He looks to the side to hide his face, so I use my index finger to move his face to look at me.

"Hey, look at me. It doesn't matter, the whole point of this project is to learn. So i'll help you ok?" Santo brightens up a little bit and nods.


"Yo! Santo!" Ray shouted and both our heads turned to his direction.

"Um, the bell just went and we have after school detention remember?"

"Ooh? Santo what did you do?" I asked teasingly.

"Just the usual, sending colourful spitballs across the class, forgetting my homework and talking back." He replies with a chuckle...this boy is something else.

"Haha! Well don't get too many after school detentions from now on. We need to get this routine sorted." I sent him a cheeky wink and his eyes widened.

"Yeah I bet you do..." I heard Shay mumble under her breath. Just as well no one but me heard that.

"I'll try, but I'm not promising anything, I'll text you later, bye." He headed out the class door with Ray while Shay and I head back to our bags. As we're collecting our stuff, one by one the class began to get empty. When Shay and I were the only people in the room apart from the teacher she decided to brake the silence.

"So, what do you make of our luck?" She says smiling like a Cheshire cat as were walking out of the class.

"Bye Miss!" I shout before closing the class door behind me.

"Our luck? Fuckin brilliant, thats what!" I reply while we walk down the hall.

""Yeah...who woulda thought...Anyway, I wanted ask if I could stay at yours tonight. Parents are out and I don't like being by myself in that big house."

"Sure my sister is out tonight, but what about your car?" I know she loves her car...its the only thing her parents let her choose, other than her clothes...she threatened them saying that if they ever tried to choose what she wears she would walk out the house naked. Oh gosh..she wasn't joking and ever since then, they let her wear what she wanted.

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