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An: this will be the end of the arena thx to anyone who gave this story a shot lol 

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter16: twisted  


My legs are stiff and running becomes difficult but I don't seem to care as I carry on pushing through. I then see Cato running as well as he pushes pass quickly fear so evident in his eyes. I look back to see a monstrous beast created especially by the gamemaker. I break out into sprint Delly close behind as I never let go of her hand. I hear more approaching as we reach the cornucopia. There laying on top  

breathless ,bloodied and cover in armor was Cato.

Delly tumbles and one of the beasts got close enough to claw at her side. Without thinking I pull her up dragging her to the cornucopia as they corner the clearing from every side. My heart is my throat as I help Delly climb to the top of the cornucopia. As I follow suit everything stops at the sight of Delly struggling against Cato as he wraps his arm around her neck. He has this crazy look in his eyes as talks "just one last kill right Peeta? That's all ," he says menacingly. I see the discarded spear at Cato's feet. I move forward but he backs away "one more move! And we both die," he threatens looking at the snapping mutts below. I look towards Delly as I see a knife in her hand hidden from Cato. "You don't want to do this ," I say slowly . He laughs like a deranged lunatic then his whole expression changes as the pain and shock replace it. Delly had stabbed him in his leg and on reflex he let go wobbly he slipped and fell right into the snapping jaws of the mutts.

Delly runs towards me and I hold her as she cries. As the time wears on Cato's screams echo constantly. We're now on our backs my arm around Delly as we stare up at the electronically made stars. "Peeta please can't we help him?" She asks her voice strained. I knew this was tormenting her as much as me no one deserved to die this way no matter what they did. I get up taking the discarded spear I was now quite familiar with. I didn't want to kill anymore but this was a mercy or at least I tried to reason this way. I see Cato being brutally ripped apart and for a moment I have to look away from the scene before aiming for the only open area his face and neck. He seems to be saying "please," as I take aim.

The spear enters his throat and finally the canon is heard. I walk towards Delly happy its over that we can leave this behind and finally go home together . As morning approaches we hear the gamemaker loud and clear "the previous rule has been revoked only one will make it out of the arena happy hunger games,". Delly turns towards me shock apparent on her features. She seems more dull though her eyes seem less alive. "Delly its ok your going home,"

I look around for something sharp . I knew if I did it quickly she couldn't stop me from killing myself for her. "Peeta I'm dying," she smiles at me softly her eyes sparkle dully in the light of morning. She lays still breathing heavily as she reveals the gashing wound on her side. I fall to my knees cradling her in my arms. "Shh don't say that its going to be ok we still have that knife I could kill myself and they will fix you don't worry," I tumble over my words as panic sets in. She had hidden it from me for hours and she suffered major blood loss.

"I wasn't planning on going back home anyway Peeta," she laughs quietly. "No Delly! I can't win please just stay...". My voice breaks as I interlace our hands. Her breaths are labored and heavy as her eyes droop. "Such pretty blue eyes," she says smiling as a few tears escape and run down her cheeks. Her eyes close and her hand goes limp against my hold."Delly?! Come on! Wake up... Please I .. I love you ," everything inside becomes numb all that's left was the hurt ,pain and unspoken regrets. The final canon goes off and it echo's in my ears as they announce the victor of the 74th hunger games. As we enter the hovercraft they take her quietly out of my arms. Then just as they were taking her away I snapped. "Don't you touch her! Don't," I struggle like a cage animal against the guards holding me back. My vision blurred as the tears ran down my face. Haymitch tried to calm me down but I ignored him completely. He had the decency to give up as they took me to get "cleaned up" like the games never happened like she wasn't gone like everything was ok.

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