chapter 9

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An: so the arena it is I will be time skipping again sorry. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter9: tree fairies

My hands shook as they inject the tracker into my arm. Cinna patiently waits for me as he gives me my what maybe my last piece from him. My smile is wobbly at best and he sooth's me gently. "Your strong, beautiful and smart you'll do just fine," he says finally as they announce me to leave. The tube was suffocating at best and my eyes stung as the light hit me. I see the cornucopia and remember Haymitch said to run from the bloodbath. I see Peeta right on the other end to my left . I needed to get to him and fast I thought as I waited to be released. I see my claw attached to a small blue bag on the outskirts.  

Peeta shakes his head at me telling me to run.

As we are released I run towards the bag trying my best to ignore the slaughter in front of me. As I reach for the bag another girl aims for me with a dagger just missing me and stabbing the bag instead. We struggle but I manage to kick her off quickly running into the forest. I then knock into little Rue instinctively I grab her hand and we run together. When we're far enough she gives me a crash course in tree climbing and we stay in the tree for the night.

I open the bag and find a sleeping bag,rope,a small packet of dried fruit,water bottle and my claw. I take out two pieces of fruit and we eat that. I then secure us with a rope using the bag as a pillow and cover us in the sleeping bag. "Delly?" Rue says unsure. "Yes?" I say looking at the tiny girl. "Can you tell me a story? Peeta said you tell the best stories," she adds smiling. "Well...," I say fringing tiredness "please," I laugh as she gives me the puppy eyes.

"Ok sure, it all started a long time ago as a girl danced in a meadow filled with flowers ,she had this way of bringing life to the forest some would swear she could fly , some even said she was a fairy of nature and then their was that few who said they heard her sing and she sang so beautifully that everyone stopped to listen and if you listen close enough you can hear her voice in the meadow filled with flowers," Rue fell asleep in my arms but I stayed up watching the sky seeing all that had died during the bloodbath.

My last thought was of Peeta I needed to find him to keep him safe in the morning I would have to find food and water soon. I wake up by Rue shaking me violently the next morning. As I'm about to ask what's wrong she puts her hand over my mouth and I turn to see what she is looking at. There at base a few feet away was the careers Cato, clove, glimmer and marvel. 8 people died in the blood bath leaving 16 more . We needed to leave and fast. Quickly I packed the things and gave the bag to Rue I point my finger for her to leave she hesitates but I quickly mouth "go" and she flies silently from tree to tree.

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