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An: thx for reading  

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter14: blue diamond 


As the days passed in rain we lay in the cave under the sleeping bag. No one died yet maybe they were trying to accept their fate or maybe like us they wanted to remember these moments and hold onto it with everything they had. All my scars had disappeared coming to the capitol and now there were new ones. Funny to think most of my scars from home had good memories attached to them but was wiped by the capitol. The scars now was created by the capitol but was nothing but painful reminders. 

I think though what really killed me was the scars etched into my being the ones no one saw but me.

I drift in and out of space wishing when I died I would be able to see his blue eyes."Delly?" he just like me has been in a daze for a while. "Yes Peeta?" I turn towards him. He looks so tortured and happy that I didn't know what to expect. "You remember that day I first came to your house ?" He smiles at the memory. "Yes... ," I look at him confused . "You said you loooovvvee me ," I huff silently and cross my arms. "You know I never meant it like that," I say finally and he bursts out laughing. "Ok, then tell me how you saw it Delly I think everyone would like to hear," he mentions to the camera with a smile.  

Witnesses of course I think and I smile at his little game.

It was around 12 at night when I heard someone tapping at my window. Being 8 I thought it was the monster so I hid under the blankets. "Delly? Wake up,". I take a deep breath ready to scream on the top of my lungs, when I heard the window open and close. "Way to go Delly you forgot to close the window now the monster is going to kill you," I whisper to myself angrily. My heart pounds against my chest as I hold onto my teddy bear for dear life. Suddenly my blankets are ripped from me and I screech as I jump up attacking the monster with my teddy bear. "Delly ouch!... stop its me Peeta," the monster says "w...what? Peeta? What are you doing here?" I ask finally realizing in fact that it was my best friend. "Well right now getting beaten up by a girl with a teddy bear," he smiles and I roll my eyes. That's when I hear my dad running towards my room. I quickly shove Peeta in my closet. "Adelaine I heard you scream is everything ok?" My dad asks while scanning the room. "Its ok I just fell off the bed," I say he nods his head and leaves closing the door . After hearing my dad close his room door I let Peeta out. "That was close," he says out of breath and I nod. He quickly climbs into my bed and pats the empty side for me to join him.

We both lay on our backs staring at the ceiling. "Peeta why are you here?" I ask quietly. "I missed you," I smile secretly happy at the thought. "You were with me this afternoon," he turns towards me and says "I know its weird," he laughs and reveals a gap from the tooth he lost. "Peeta I love you," I blurt out and immediately my cheeks heat up and I try hopelessly to cover it up by adding "I mean like a best friend would," he looks at me and nods in understanding. "We'll be best friends forever I promise Delly,". He takes my hand and squeezes it and that meant everything...

"So you did say you love me," peeta says smiling. "I guess I did," I say spaced out. Just outside our cave a twinkling sound of a sponsor was heard. Peeta quickly rush out and came back with a small black box. "What is it?" I ask curious. "Well I asked Cinna a day before the games if he could get something for me looks like he kept to his word," Peeta explains looking very pleased with himself. "Turn around and close your eyes," confused I sat there and complied quietly curiosity getting the best of me. 

I felt a light weight around my neck . When I finally was allowed to open my eyes I saw a necklace and a blue gem cut into a circle hung on it. Slightly taken a back at its beauty I hugged Peeta happy at the gesture. "Its a blue diamond its rare and beautiful like you," suddenly the tears fall and for a second I saw tears in his eyes as well.

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