chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter10: my first kill

I feel better knowing Rue won't have to see my death or maybe me killing them. As I climb down I see a tracker jacker nest. Looking down I see them still asleep my first swipe is unsuccessful and instead I get stung twice on my arm . My second cut and then my third sends the nest crashing down awaking the group as they abandon their things to run. Glimmer is the unlucky one who can't escape. I catch Cato's glare he shouts at me "your dead!" Before running.

I feel dizzy and everything thing seems to be turning blue I quickly grab a few supplies . Seeing Glimmer hurt , knowing I did this to her , face covered in swollen bumps, as a green liquid seeps out with the worst stench . "I'm so sorry," I whisper to her before running in the opposite direction . Some how through my blue vision I made some ground. Eventually my eyes saw Peeta and Rue laying dead before me. I screamed out their names hopelessly , I tumbled every second step I took until my body died on me and I passed out as screams echoed in my ears.

You know the dream where your falling and the fear hits your heart like a brick wall only to wake up before you hit the ground. Well that's what happened to me as I tried to stay conscious as Peeta is shaking me and shouting but all I seem to make out is "Delly! Wake up please! We need to leave!" I try to hold on but quickly I fade back into the nightmares. Every time its the same thing someone is hurting a loved one and I'm always too late. Sometimes its ,dean , my parents , peeta , my friends or little Rue.

Finally I wake up but I'm not on the ground rather in someone's arms. "Peeta?" I say unsure of myself. "Shh its ok Delly," I struggle in his arms trying to get to my feet. "Let go Peeta," 

"Delly a lots happened and I... " I look at him struggling for words and panic sets in. Finally I'm able to get free in the process I landed soundly on my butt. I try to get to my feet but a stinging pain stops me. It hurts too much as I realized I couldn't really walk. Slowly Peeta helps me up I'm like dead weight as I lean on for support. 

"Peeta what happened?"

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