Chapter 4: I'm Grown

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*Sidenote: I changed the characters... once again. Lol. Don't hate me. The updated character list is at the end of the chapter. Enjoy! 

Chapter 4: I'm Grown

"She's just a teen, so how could she know what she really wants?"

Java Green.

"What is love?" My fourth period Creative Writing teacher, Mr. Daniels, asked the class.

No one really made an effort to answer his question right away. We all just kind of looked around at each other.

"OK, not everyone at once," He chuckled. "I know you guys have an answer to my question. Fellas, I hear you all the time talking about how you love her, and ladies don't get me started on y'all." His voice went up a few octaves. "I love him so much, my life is so complete with him in it. Ohmygosh, if we were to breakup I'd just die!" he mimicked the girls in the class, causing everyone to double over with laughter.

"Aight Mr. D," One classmate said inbetween laughs. "Love is when you balls deep in that pussy, and ain't even thinkin' bout pulling out!" I recognized the voice to be none other than Rock's. King's teammate on the basketball team.

I rolled my eyes and glanced over my shoulder, only to find him staring right at me while quickly flicking his tongue up and down. My face immediately turned into a frown as I tried hard not to throw up my breakfast from this morning. I shot Rock my middle finger before turning back around in my seat.

"Judging by the way Java just dissed yo ass, I'd like to think you ain't getting no 'pussy'." Mr. Daniels called Rock out making the class laugh even harder. I shot Mr. D a thankful smirk.

Mr. Daniels was hands down one of the coolest teachers at Murkville. He taught English, and the Creative Writing elective. Although most students did have disrespectful outbursts such as Rock, everyone really did respect him. Mr. D was quick to put someone in their place, but he still maintained an open line of communication. We knew if there was ever something going on in inside or outside of the school, Mr. D would always be there to help us out and talk to us.

"Ok, can someone give me a valid definition of love?" He asked once again.

"Love is when you'd do anything for someone," A quiet girl in the back of the class answered. I didn't even know her name.

Mr. D nodded his head, "Very good, anyone else?"

I slowly raised my hand. "Love is an emotion that can't be put into words. It's something you feel deep down within you. You can't describe it, but you know it's there. You feel it with every fiber of your being. It can either be the most beautiful or heart wrenching thing in the world." I explained.

Mr. D nodded his head impressively. "Very good Java, very good."

"Well damn, when you put it like that I'm pretty sure I love yo ass!" Rock teased from the back of the classroom. I rolled my eyes hard, and just decided to ignore his ignorance this time. I don't even know why he signed up for this class.

"Alright, alright," Mr. D clapped his hands to get our attention. "Settle down heathens, let's talk about our next big assignment." He walked over to the board and pulled out a dry erase marker. "Due at the end of the second nine weeks is a free verse poem. Who can tell me what a free verse poem is?"

I raised my hand once again, "Free verse is a poem that does not rhyme or have a particular meter." I told the class.

"Thank you Java," Mr. D nodded in my direction. "So feel free to write how you want. I want you all to compose a poem about someone, something, or some place that you love. Put your heart into this guys. I don't want y'all turning in some half-assed poem, because I will definitely give you an F on it. Take you time, tap into your inner poet, and let the words flow."

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