Bad Timing! Part 2 (Tim & Kelsey, friendship)

Start from the beginning

He grabs a towel and gently begins to wipe the baby off.

"Can I see her?" Kelsey says with a tired smile.

Tim wraps a clean towel around the baby and lays her on Kelsey's stomach.

"I don't know what to do with the cord." Tim says with a sniff.

"Maybe it will be alright til we get help." Kelsey says as she rubs her daughter's face.

Tim moves up beside the couch so he could get a better look at Little Lundquist.

"You did it." Kelsey giggles.

"We did it." Tim says as he kisses Kelsey on the cheek.

"Isn't she beautiful." Kelsey says as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"Yea she is." Tim says taking the baby by the tiny hand. "It's hard to believe that she actually came from Rob."

"That's mean." Kelsey laughs.

"KELSEY!!?? TIM!!??" Rob yells from upstairs. "WHERE ARE YOU!!???"

"ROB!!!!" Tim yells. "WE'RE IN THE BASEMENT!!"

Rob unlocks the basement door and runs down the steps.

"Are you guys alright? Why weren't you answering your phones. OH MY GOD!!" Rob stops at the bottom step as he stares at the three on the couch.

"We were busy." Tim answers with a smirk.

Kelsey smiles up at her husband as tears fills her eyes.

Rob slowly walks to the couch as a huge grin forms on his face.

Tim stands up and steps back so Rob could get closer to his family.

He kisses his wife then looks down at his daughter. "Hey, Baby girl. Welcome to the world."

"Have you picked out a name yet?" Tim asks as he wipes his still shaking hands off on a towel.

"Actually, no." Kelsey smiles.

"Maybe you ought to call her Dorothy." Tim chuckles.

"Or better yet, Timika." Kelsey smiles.

Tim laughs until he seen she was serious.

"Timika Lundquist." Rob says and nods his head. "I like it."

"TIMMMM!!" Jenika screams from upstairs. "BABY WHERE ARE YOU!!??"

"IN THE BASEMENT!!" Tim yells as he walks toward the stairs.

Jenika runs down the stairs and jumps into Tim's arms.

"Oh my God! I was so scared." Jenika says as she kisses him and pulls him into a tight hug.

She opens her eyes to see Kelsey holding the baby and Rob was on the phone calling an ambulance.

"Oh. My. God." Jenika says as she slowly turns loose of Tim.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Kelsey grins. "Tim delivered her."

"Are you serious?" Jenika looks around at Tim.

"I wish she was kidding but she's not." Tim says with a chuckle.

"Oooooo, Kel, she's a pure Angel." Jenika says stooping down by the couch. "Are you both alright?"

"As far as I know, I think so. Rob just called an ambulance." Kelsey says as she looks back down at her daughter.

"So what did you name her?" Jenika asks softly as she gently rubs the baby on the head.

Kelsey looks up at Rob and smiles. "Timika Lundquist."

"Timika?" Jenika asks with a smile.

She stands up and wraps her arms around Tim's waist. "We're touched."

"We thought it would be nice to name her after her God Parents. That is, if you guys accept?" Rob smiles.

"God Parents?" Tim smiles down at his girlfriend. "We'd be honored."

Rob walks over and pulls Tim into a hug. "Thank-you, Tim. Thanks for everything."

"You might change your mind once you get the bill." Tim laughs.



*~*  TIMSEY  *~*

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