Chapter 16 - Harbinger

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"Oh hell no" Elena cut the captain off, knowing her plan before she said it "You cannot be serious. No way!"

The captain smiled "Oh yes."                   

The Grimm roared. Hundreds of thousands of warriors flooded the blackness, dull armour clanked together as the teeming masses huddled together awaiting Kronos's word.

"Brothers" he roared above the din, his voice amplified to carry to the furthest reaches of the grand chasm, "The greatest known threat to our kind has once again dared to shown its head on the surface-world."

The masses murmured excitedly amongst themselves, words like 'slayer' and 'nightmare' could be caught before Kronos called for silence. The discipline he commanded was awesome, no soldier among his legions dared so much as think about disobeying him. Some would call it loyalty; the wiser would know it as blind fear.         

"Yes" the Primarch spoke softly, or at least as close to soft as a monster could get, "The Old Ones have a Kinetic."

"You cower?!" Kronos demanded when the masses didn't even murmur a reply, "You would kneel before this demon?! No! He is but one, we are millions! Several of the Old Ones' craft have been tracked over the surface world; the Archon's vessel is among them! We will obliterate the Grand Immortals, and their pet with them! We will end this war!"

The countless Niphal roared in approval at their master's words, bloodlust roars echoed as if a single great beast inhabited the hollow.

"Ready the Pale Steed" Kronos roared, "And the plague ship, the Ashen Steed. Ready the Ebony Steed so that our adversaries may know despair and ruin! Ready all, for today we put an end to not only the Grand Immortals, but the planet! Let us take what is ours!"

The deafening bellows in the chasm reached fever pitch; the hundreds of thousands of Niphal in the Grimm peeled away, sprinting with monster's speed to their own posts as the great army mobilised. Elsewhere in the Grimm tens of millions of other Niphal were doing the same, assembling into the most destructive army on the planet.

Prometheus stood on the sparse ground of Megiddo, dirt and dust gently blew against his armour in the morning sun. Upon the arrival of the Archaeans the local residents had retreated into their homes, but not before a small group of men had decided to try and fend off the invaders. As the last of the bodies fell into the dirt the Reavers took the last steps off the Samsara, eyeing over the Kinetic's handiwork.

"And I thought you were weak" Prometheus muttered, "These humans are like egg shells, so easily broken. I didn't even need to use my abilities."

"Their only advantage is numbers" Absalom returned distastefully, ignoring the Kinetic's insult "Though after today it will not matter. The Aegis Device is buried Kinetic, it is time to start digging."

Prometheus stared off into the distance, absentmindedly ignoring the Reaver's words.

"Are you deaf?" Crius demanded, stepping forward to grab his shoulder. He was pulled back almost instantly by Absalom, who shot him a deadly look.

"This is the first time I've seen a sunrise" Prometheus said distantly without turning around.

"Remember Prometheus" Harker said hypnotically, walking around to face the Kinetic from the front "We have to unearth the Aegis Device, then Atlas will come. You want him to come don't you?"

"Yes" Prometheus murmured, stirring at the mention of the other Kinetic "I would move to a safe distance if I were you. This will get messy."

"I was thinking just that" Harker smiled, "Be careful not to damage the machine will you?"

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