Magnus snorted. "Chasing a lead is technically still work. Just not in the office kind. You just don't want to face everyone at the precinct. No pun intended."

"I don't need a million questions thrown in my direction, Magnus. My dad would have me off the case as soon as he found out what really happened. What my dad doesn't know, won't kill him."

" the event that someone asks what happened to your pretty face....what's the story going to be?"

Alec shrugged. "I don't know? Fell down some stairs? Bar fight?"

"Alec, you don't even drink."

"I don't know!" Alec threw his hands up in exasperation. "What do you think the story should be?"

Magnus stroked his chin thoughtfully. "The stairs one is good. It's believable. A big guy with legs like yours tripping down stairs? I'd believe it-don't give me that look. It's true."

"Yeah,'re probably right. Wouldn't be the first time I fell down the stairs. Jace would have a hundred stories for you. Isabelle too."

Magnus followed him to the bathroom. "Speaking of Isabelle....when do I get to meet your lovely family?"

Alec winced as he opened his mouth to brush his teeth. "Seriously? We're not even dating yet. And my family doesn't exactly know I' know."

"Gay. Just say it."

Alec shook his head. "Like I said. They don't know. Introducing you would be a little awkward for all of us."

"How so? Introduce me as your coworker. They won't suspect a thing." Magnus leaned up against the door with his arms crossed over his chest. "Tell them it's just a friendly dinner to help ease the stress of the case. I'm sure they won't accuse you of anything if you say that."

Alec spit and laughed. "Why do you think my dad is the commissioner? He's good at getting the truth and sniffing out lies. He's going to know something is up eventually."

"Which is why I'm prepared to focus let soley on something else," Magnus winked. "Your sister."

"Excuse me?! What-my sister? Why?!"

"Um, because I can? I'm bisexual, Alec. I can flirt with girls just as well as I can with guys. Plus your sister enjoys the attention. They'll think I'm straight."

Alec leaned over the sink and moaned. "This isn't a good idea. Not at all."

"Oh, pffft. Don't be silly. I'd love to meet the Lightwood bunch! You said you had a little brother, right? How old is he?"


"Perfect! I love kids! I'm great with them. They love my magic tricks."

Alec ignored Magnus as went on and on while gently washing his face. "I look like shit. I can't go out looking like this." He turned to look at Magnus. "Can your makeup artist skills fix a mess like this?"

Magnus' eyes widened. " heard my story?"

Alec nodded. "Of course I did. I wasn't dead last night, you know. I could still hear you."

Magnus nodded. "Right. Right, uh...." He cleared his throat. "I can try but I don't think it'll work out too well...."

Alec threw his towel in the washer. "Fuck it. Just leave it. I'll just learn to deal with whatever people think of me when we're out in public."

Magnus took Alec's hand and squeezed it. "It shouldn't matter what other people think. It should only matter what you think."

Alec's hazel eyes looked down into Magnus', a sadness in them. "I wish it was that easy, Magnus. But it's not."

Arrested (Book 1 of the Arrested Trilogy) {malec au}Where stories live. Discover now