Chapter 41: Chances

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"That's brutal," whispered Frisco, picking on his food. But I didn't hear him say that I shouldn't have done it.

"He fucking deserves it," grumbled Kurt, with a glare.

"Hell yeah, he does!" exclaimed Alfie, slamming a fist on the table and earning a few looks. "That dickwad has caused enough shit. It's his turn to get some."

"Karma's a bitch," said Connie, leaning back on her chair with her arms crossed.

Ain't that the truth?

"Gotta say, Oz," started Alfie, turning to me. "It sounds too tame for you. I expected something more, like chasing him down with gang bangs wherever he goes."

I considered that at first. But then, I thought I didn't want anything to do with him anymore. I just wanted him to pay for what he did and be done with it.

"I don't wanna spend another second thinking about that lowlife," I replied. "What's done is done."

"So it's all over now, right?" asked Frisco, looking expectantly at everyone. All of us looked at him. "No more revenge? No more seeking justice? It's all behind us?"

The five of us exchanged glances. And from that look alone, I knew – I could see from their faces that they were just as tired of this mess as I was.

We just wanted to enjoy the remaining months of our high school years the best way possible, you know? Together and all that mushy shit.

I hoped to God it wasn't too late for us to start over.

It wasn't like we'd be all goody-goodies now. We just wouldn't have that much drama following us around like before. We'd be free as a bird.

Alfie raised his forefinger. "Actually, it's all behind McKinley." He flashed us a wicked grin, wiggling his eyebrows. "Get it?"

We stared at him incredulously, quiet for a couple of moments. Until Kurt broke the silence and spoke for the rest of us.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

Frisco shook his head and muttered, "It's not funny."

"Whatever." Alfie huffed. "High school is almost over, but your humor is already dead."

I met Connie's eyes. Our faces broke into small smiles.

In that moment, I realized that Halo also did me a favor. By pulling herself away from me to heal on her own, I ended up doing the same as well.

Being emotionally dependent on each other isn't healthy. I know that now.

I guess I'm getting better in my own way, too – with friends who are always with me every step of the way, who got my back no matter what, and who know me inside-out.

I miss Halo. But I need this.

I needed to heal on my own. So that when the time came that she was ready to accept me again, I wouldn't be broken.

I'd be whole.

. . .

"Are we ever gonna talk about how y'all don't speak no more?"

Kurt pointed his fork at Alfie and Connie.

"I ain't stupid. I know something's up."

I picked up my can of Coke casually, keeping my face indifferent.

This is gonna be good.

Alfie only shrugged, pretending to be innocent.

"Yeah," nodded Frisco. "I noticed it, too."

Cruel MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon