Tampered Memories | 02

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Mary's thoughts were all over the place. She couldn't hold back any of it anymore. She reached out and hugged him once again. This time, calm yet affectionate and it lasted for a while.

When they parted, Mary could see his eyes shining with tears. "You remember me," Mary said, touching her brother's cheeks.

"I sort of do," He answered, inhaling mouthfuls of air.

Mary's eyes went to Newt who was watching them with full attention. She took a step back in case Newt felt uneasy about her and Thomas' distance. But she knew him well enough that he understands and he won't be jealous.

"When?" She asked, turning back at Thomas. "Was it just now?"

Thomas nodded slightly. "It was just now. Something clicked inside my head, and it bloody hurt."

From where he was standing, Newt shifted on his feet. That feeling sounded familiar. He felt exactly like it before.

"It happened to me too," Newt said, joining their conversation. Mary looked at him curiously. "It was after Mary told me something about how life used to be for us before."

Mary's mouth went agape and he could see that she's processing all of these quickly inside her brain. He saw her forehead slowly crease. He could feel knowledge surging through her body, and she speaks.

"I knew it," She finally said, as cue that her critical thinking was finished just that fast. "I have a theory."

"What is it?" Minho said for the first time since the tension appeared on the atmosphere. Mary quickly ran through her thoughts and constructed an understandable sentence amidst all her complicated ideas.

"Before you were all sent here in the Maze, there was something they did to you—to us." Mary started explaining to everyone. "The doctors would inject you something so you'll be unconscious and then they'll start removing it."

"Remove what?" said Minho again. He seemed too eager to know.

"Our memories." Mary answered calmly. "They carefully pick out necessary memories to remove. That's why you still know how to use the spoon and fork, or dress up, or even talk. It's because they left that in you. They call it The Swipe. The doctors did that to all of us—but it didn't work on me."

There was a complete silence after that. Mary was doubting if they ever believe a word she said or not so she continued. "My theory is, since I'm the one who remembers, maybe I can be the one to bring it back. It may not be everything but at least bits of knowledge that we both knew. For example, before, Thomas and I knew we were siblings. And now when I mentioned it, he seemed to remember slightly."

"Wait," Minho said. "I feel something. My head starts throbbing but I think it's not enough. I don't remember anything new."

Mary frowned. "I don't know why. Maybe it's not enough. Maybe you need more information. But Minho..." She trailed off. ". . .I don't even know you before."

Minho's eyes showed hurt. He started to back off and left the room completely. Mary gasped. "I didn't mean to—"

"It's fine, Mary." Newt said, holding her shoulders. "I'll go after him. But remember, it was not your fault."

"Well, I could try and rack my brain for any memory of him—"

"Mary," Newt said sternly. Their faces were only few inches apart. "Drop it. You've had enough of thinking today, okay?"

Mary's shoulders sagged. "Tell him I'm sorry, please?"

Newt smiled and leaned in to give her a sweet kiss on the cheek. His lips were soft and warm, and Mary missed it once he pulled away. "I will," He said before moving towards the door and disappearing on the other side of it.

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