Tampered Memories | 01

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Mary woke up with his name on her lips. She opened up her eyes to see herself in a dark compartment filled with boxes and other things that make awful sounds to her ears.

She waited for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Her heart was not racing like it beats right out of her chest, but she was calm as ever. She knew everything.
The Swipe didn't work on her.
Memories flashed into her mind like dreams when she's asleep.

"Mary, I'm sorry but we have to do this." Ava Paige said, clutching my wrists. I thrashed from her grip but another doctor got a hold of my arms and pinned them to my sides.

"I can't believe you're doing this," I gasped as I felt the injection stick into my left shoulder. My arms start to go numb. "This is nonsense, Ava."

"This is no nonsense, Mary." She answered, pulling off her mask. "I know how to find the cure."

My lips quivered as I see her back out of the room. "But I'm your niece!" I begged out, trying my last resort.

"So is Thomas. He is my nephew," Came her calm reply. "You can do this Mary." I had nothing left but watch her exit the room and let the doctors do their job.

"I'll save you," Mary whispered to no one in particular. "I'm coming."

— - —

Mary snapped out of her memories when the box that she's in lurched upwards. She sat back on the back of it and curled into a ball before waiting for the rise to stop. She didn't move when it did. Instead, she breathed in and out several times, bracing herself for what's coming.

She needs to accept it. She needs to keep in mind that Newt and Thomas can't remember anything about her. And that their lives are on her hands now. She's the only one who knows about the life before this. The box opened and sunlight illuminated everything around her.

Faint conversations eventually fade in and she could swear those voices are familiar. One loud thud made her jump from her curl. A boy had landed in front of her with one knee bent down and one hand on the ground to support him. She fought back the urge to run and hug him tight. Instead, her eyes watered with tears.

The murmurs of conversations went louder this time, when most of the boys saw her.
"It's a girl," The boy said, surprised. Mary wanted to cry out loud in sadness. He doesn't remember her. He just referred to her as a girl. She reached her hands up to wipe her tears.

She felt a hand on her shoulder while she was trying to calm down. "Let's get you out of here." He said, lifting her head to look at him.

No, I'll get you out of here. Mary thought.

He offered a hand and Mary took it, observing the look on his face. She hoped for at least a flicker of recognition. Unfortunately, there was none. Newt doesn't remember her.

Someone shouted from above and threw down a rope to climb up. As she rose from the box, she caught some words from their conversations.

"That's the second greenie,"

"Why is it a girl?"

"She's not screaming the klunk out of her like all the others did,"

"Something's wrong,"

Mary dropped on the ground after hearing all those. She pretended to faint and let them carry her somewhere else. That's the only thing she could do to escape all the interrogation.

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