We watched the movie while passing comments about it to each other. At this point, the bowl of popcorn was finished and Zayn's head was resting on my lap.

"Don't be worried if I'm asleep by the end of this," he yawned.

"Shh, she's just starting to tell about what happened to her husband." I heard him chuckle lightly at my comment.

I was so into the movie, I hadn't realized that Zayn wasn't, in fact, watching the movie, but he was staring at me. When I looked down at him and saw him looking at me, I laughed and asked, "what's wrong?"

He just shook his head and looked as if he'd been snapped out of a daydream, "it's just that, how can someone manage to look so beautiful all the time."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Zayn you're so cheesy." I couldn't help but giggle when he opened his mouth.

"I'm serious," he smiled.

I ran my fingers through his hair, "how can someone manage to make someone feel so happy all the time?"

"You should be asking yourself that question."

I bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead, after which we continued watching the movie.

By the end of the movie, Zayn had fallen asleep. I smiled at his soft snores and took a moment to admire the way his long eyelashes rested delicately on top of his cheekbones.

Before I could do anything, I carefully reached for my phone which rested on top of the side table. I quickly opened the camera and took a picture of him asleep. I had a feeling I could use it against him one day.

I lifted up his head gently and got up off the couch, making sure not it disturb him. I walked into his bedroom and gathered my gym clothes and shoes into my backpack and picked it up, walking out of the room. I walked to the front door, grabbing my phone off the counter and saw three missed calls.

They were from Cora, Dad, and Carlee. Of course, who else?

Carlee left a voicemail and a text both saying;

I thought we had plans to go to the mall today! You should've warned me you were ditching.

There was a voicemail from Cora saying;

Your dad and I might be staying an extra day at my place, didn't get enough work done tonight. But keep in mind that you have an appointment with Gusto tomorrow, you can use your dad's car to drive there or something.

There was a text from dad saying;

have a good night's sleep! I'll be staying here an extra day so don't be worried!

I smiled, that was my dad, short and to the point. He never really explained what could be described in simple terms, and I admired that about him. But sometimes, it could also be a bad thing. Like he'd started a fight but never wanted to hear the other person before ending it at his own terms.

I stuffed my phone into my pocket and left a note on the counter for Zayn that said;

I'm going home, thank you for the lovely night, sweet dreams.

Walking towards the door, I realized that it was raining, based on what I heard. When I opened the door, my thoughts were confirmed. It was raining, rather harshly I might add, and I smiled. I loved the rain, it was one of those weather's where you can feel happy even though the sky is gray. There was something significant about the rain, something that reminds you that it's okay to cry sometimes because even the sky does.

I was admiring the view when I felt arms wrap around my waist. The scent of mint filled my nose as Zayn whispered, "it's beautiful isn't it?"

I nodded as he held placed his chin on my shoulder, "can we just stand here forever, like this?"

"If only." I whispered.

We stood there for a second while the sound of rain filled my ears. "Hey, I got an idea," he said.

"Let me hear it," I encouraged.

He grabbed my waist and before I could do anything, he had pushed me out into the rain, coming out with me.

"Zayn!" I squealed over the sound of the heavy rain.

He laughed as I pushed him, "oh come on, don't act like you weren't about to do it to me."

"But I wasn't going to!" I whined sarcastically.

He chucked while coming close to me, but I moved back a step every time he moved up one. "Oh come on Kat, you're not afraid of getting a little wet huh?" He winked mischievously as I rolled my eyes.

"It depends on if you can get a little dirty," now it was my turn to wink.

He jumped forwards in attempt to grab me but I ran away from him, "you can't catch me Zayn!" I yelled as he chased me down the street. I spotted a family walking with umbrella's staring at us as if we were idiots. But who could blame them?

I turned around to see where Zayn was but before I could make my move, he had already grabbed on to me tightly. "You're not going anywhere."

I squealed and try to escape his grasp but gave up by the time I realized that I wasn't making much progress.

He smirked and said, "you're adorable, you know that right?"

I giggled, "you're not easy to get rid of, you know that right?"

He raised an eyebrow, "oh really? Now is that really what you want to do, get rid of me?"

I smiled and appeared as if I were thinking and in the end, I said, "absolutely."

He wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me closer and said, "well, I am not going anywhere."

I examined him, even in the rain he looked amazing. His white Tshirt was now completely see through and gave me the advantage of looking at the grip his shirt had to his torso. I bit my lip while admiring how his hair was now scattered on top of his head. His tattoos completely stood out of the rainy day weather, but what hooked me on to him the most was his smile. When he smiled, my whole world lit up, in fact, a rainy day had never looked so beautiful.

"I'm glad you aren't," I smiled up at him. He bent down and placed a kiss on my forehead. We started like that for a while, in each others arms, without a word.

But that's when I realized that's where I needed to be most.



Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now