Chapter 10

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The following morning, Denmark awoke in his bedroom, tears staining his face. The Dane had cried himself to sleep hugging onto his pillow. He had convinced himself this was all some terrible dream, that he'd wake and Norway would still be right next to him to hug him close and tell him everything was fine and he wasn't going anywhere. Denmark had finally faced reality when he woke up and Norway was still gone. It wasn't much longer when the Dane could hear light footsteps running up and down the halls. Soon a small head peaked into Denmark's room. "Danmark?" Iceland called with a small voice. "Ja Ísland?" Denmark responded as Iceland climbed onto the Dane's bed and curled up next to his father-figure. "I can't find storebror" Iceland explained. Denmark wrapped his arms around the child in a hug. Holding the young nation close, Denmark thought of how to explain the situation to Iceland.

"Storebror went away for a while..but I don't know when he'll be back" the older nation explained. The young Icelander looked up at Denmark slightly confused. "Is that why Sverige was here? Did he take storebror?" Iceland questioned to which Denmark responded with a head nod. Denmark and Iceland just laid there for some time. Iceland held onto the nation who would be taking care of him until Norway came back. Throughout the day, Denmark tried his best to make their daily activities the same. As hard as the Dane tried, he couldn't make anything the same without Norway.

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