“Well, there's nothing wrong with her, per se,” responded Mrs. Jane carefully, but I noticed the strange way she emphasized the word “wrong.” Weird. She continued, “The Cullens moved to Forks about two years ago. Dr. Cullen works as a surgeon at Forks Hospital, and he also takes shifts in the E.R. as well; he's very well-liked in the community, but he does tend to keep his distance. He doesn't get too involved in different town goings-on. All the nurses have huge crushes on Dr. Cullen, but apparently he's a happily married man. His wife, Esme, stays at home and is quite interested in decorating and design, and she is nearly as attractive as her husband. Their home is supposed to be quite a show-piece, and I've heard that her gardens are breathtaking, almost like something out of a magazine. The Cullens are quite young, despite having all those teenagers. The doctor looks to be about thirty, Esme a little younger.”

She glanced at me, then continued.

“Because Mrs. Cullen can't have children, over the years they've adopted five kids: Jasper and Rosalie Hale are Mrs. Cullen's nephew and niece, and apparently she took them in when they were around five years old after the death of her sister and brother-in-law in a car accident. Then a few years later the Cullens adopted Emmett, Alice, and Edward. The Hales and Emmett are seniors this year, I believe, and Edward and Alice are juniors. The whole family is quite attractive, but they mostly keep to themselves.”

Mrs. Jane flipped on her turn indicator, then drove her van down Billy's street. I felt my throat tighten a little as she concluded her story.

“Apparently the Cullens take the kids out of school when there's good weather for camping, backpacking, and hiking excursions. One would think that so many absences would affect their grades, but each one of those kids has a perfect 4.0 and rarely miss even a question on their exams. I understand that two of the Cullen kids are dating the Hale twins; it's been quite the little scandal here in Forks. I've heard the rumors even in Port Angeles, which is definitely saying something because we hardly hear any news about Forks in P.A.”

I nodded, feeling decidedly nervous as we approached Billy's house. What kind of scene would I be treated to today? At least Jacob wouldn't be home until well after seven tonight because of football practice. But after being around normal...okay, mostly normal...people today, I wasn't sure I would be able to handle the atmosphere of fear and hatred that filled the house in which I had lived for the past seven or eight years.

Mrs. Jane turned her minivan into Billy's driveway, and I tensed up, growing more afraid to go home. How messed up was that? Under my breath, I groaned. Couldn't I just live in a motel until I was eighteen or something? The best I could expect from Billy and Jacob was the silent treatment. The worst? Who knew?

But I knew this: I could not handle a big scene tonight. I felt raw after my day...strangely fragile after the unexpected panic attacks that had plagued me throughout my school hours. Somehow I felt I could handle the bitchiness of Jessica and her sidekick, Lauren, than the narrowed eyes of Billy right now.

I swallowed hard, closing my eyes for a moment as I vainly tried to gather a sense of calm.

It wasn't working.

At all.


Stopping the car, Mrs. Jane shut off the engine and turned to me. “Bella,” she said kindly. “I know things aren't good here. If you have anything to share with me, anything at all, I can get you out of here so fast that they'll never know what hit them.” She peered at me expectantly.

And, God. I wanted to tell her. I knew that one word would get me out of that nightmare of a house and away from Billy and Jacob forever. And I knew that would be a good thing for me...a very good thing.

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