part 36

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Khushi's POV

As I opened my eyes I met with a unknown room, room was average size and fully white, I was on a small bed , what the hell am I doing here. But then everything that happened with me came running back to me.


As he said that lines I jst couldn't move. I can't even breath. My own dad is the one who killed his mom. God , i know he is trying to protect me from his rage, he didnt want to hurt me , that is why he is telling me to leave, so i jst left , i also need some time alone for my thoughts to settle down.

I was walking aimlessly in the house. I dont know where i m going......when ever he has told me about his mom, I have always seen the rage for the person who killed her . and the worst thing is now I m related to that person. I don't deserve him. I know its not my fault but still I know it will always remind him about his mom's death. Hell I will remind him of her death , always. And what the hell is this gang and will thing, what did he said?...from two years I m the owner of gang. How is that even possible?.... I even didn't know till now who was my dad, let alone his gang.

I don't know how I reached to the basement. I think its bound to happen. We are not meant to be. I can't see him in the pain always. He needs some time alone. He don't deserve this torture. Hell he was looking so broken. Why am I giving him pain. I think I should leave him, I know I can't leave without him but still I have to. I know he won't let me go in the morning. He loves me too much to let me go, but I have to do this.

I jst left from the secret door and went to my home. I jst have to got some of my things from here and leave. But as I entered in, two man attacked me. Shit...i shouldnt have come here, how can i forget that my life is in danger...What the hell are they doing here....soonI freed my self from them by the trick arnav taught me . I have to get out of here,

I gave them two round house kick and they are at the floor and I ran to my room but there were 5 more men waiting for me . I have to do thus , I won't give up. So I took my fighting stance and started with the nearest one, gave him a straight long kick and then the second one came, I jst blocked his punch and punched him hard on his nose. God he is bleeding. After that all three came together and I gave them punches and kicks and soon they were also on floor. Then I looked at the room, Shitt its a mess. As I was about to leave something hit my head hard. Hell its paining , I turned around to fight but I couldn't, I was slowly seeping in darkness, but there was only one thought before I got unconscious that...will I ever be able to see arnav?....will he forgive me for leaving him like this...I jst want to see him one last time...

Flashback ends...

I have to get out of here. Arnav would be worried like hell. I cant Stay here, before anyone know , I would escape, but when I was about to get up , my room's door get opened , bad luck. And a man of the age of 50 or 60 came inside, but I can tell one thing that he is not a good man, he is giving some creepy vibe

" so finally you woke up princess" he said with a evil smile

" so you are the villain of the story....singhaniya right?"

" wow I m impressed, i am shyam singhaniya...but how do you know that, may I ask?"

" you are age of my dad, and trust me , in this world there is only one person who want to kill me, it was not that tough to guess"

" hmmm, you are jst like ur dad, with brains and power , both are running in ur blood"

" jst tell me , why you want to kill me?"

" khushi Oberoy....impatient as ever...I know you have so many question, let's start with answering ur this one... I want to kill you bcz you are a treasure... Yes....a treasure... It means that my whole gang will get best benefits.... You are worth more than you know princess....I know that raizada must have already told you, according to ur dad's will you will get hold of ur gang after age of 21, so since last 2 years you are the owner of ur dad's gang ,so if I kill you.....ur whole gang will become mine" so arnav was right, my father's gang is on my name.

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