part 42

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Khushi's POV

As I opened my eyes , I felt too warm , but this warmth was welcoming. I snuggled more into the warmth. Wow I jst love my blanket. But then I felt warm breadth on my neck and felt a arm around my neck. That made me wide awake and I stumbled back to the floor.

" owww..." I landed on my back side. And he looked at me with the grey eyes filled with concern.

" are you ok baby?" And all of the events of yesterday came back to can I forget yesterday. The best day of my life, I was lost in thoughts when two strong arms carried me up and placed me on the bed, an now he was hovering over me , and his body was covering mine...and my hazel eyes met with his perfect grey eyes...

" khushi...." He whispered near my ears..

" arnav..."

" khushi about last night....I mean...are you ok?...are you regretting it? Are you hurt?..did I hurt you?...are you" but I cut him by placing my lips on his and that caught him by surprise ...but soon he overcome the shock and kissed me back with full passion.

"I am fine arnav , and no , last night was the best night of my life, I don't regret it. You didn't hurt me at all, I am jst a bit of sore ..."

"I love you khushi ....thank you...I thought that..."

"I know arnav....its fine...really"

"Then are you ready for the round two?"

"We have to get ready and go downstairs"

" we have to take bath and round two let's do this together"

And he carried me to the bath tub...ohh god arnav and her time saving...and after that we have done 4 more rounds...and now I am not a bit sore but full fledged sore. But I am loving it.


" NO YOU CAN'T " and this was akshay bhai's shouting...bcz I told him that malik is saying truth

" I CAN...and I WILL....bhai its high time you agree that malik is innocent, I can feel the truth in his voice, so we should jst forget about him and try to find the real culprit "

" he is the real culprit "

" bhai be reasonable. "

" I am..."

" no you are not. Enough is enough... All our men are here and boys.. In front of everyone I am telling you all that malik didn't do any harm to my mom and your previous queen. So now we all have to try and find the original culprit "

They all were looking at me with intensity. This can go either way, they can got me wrong and disown me or they can accept my decision.

" are you all agreeing? " I asked one more.

" no khushi...they won't agree bcz they know that you are doing all this bcz you are in love with his fucking son"

" ENOUGH.... " I yelled and all were looking at me with fear

" I am their queen all are going to follow me and my orders but if any of you have any problem, come forward, bcz challenging my decision is like challenging my authority... You all have respected my dad but now I am your queen and if any of you don't want to treat me like one , come forward ...NOW"

I am done playing good. And they have crossed limits by dragging arnav in this...its time they realize that I am their boss.

Almost five minutes passed but no body came forward.

" akshay bhai...I guess you got the decision of my gang..."

" yes..." With that he backed to the gang and they all bowed as a sign of respect. Wow...that's some power I have now. With that I nodded at them with small smile .

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