Chapter 29

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Riker's POV:

We were walking to our car to go home when I saw the man coming behind us and getting into a car a few cars down from ours. He kept staring at us as we got into the car. We waited there for 5 minutes. He didn't drive away. He simply kept staring at us. "Guys, I'm gonna call the police. I have a bad feeling about him." I took out my phone and noticed Vanni hold her stomach. She has bad anxiety, especially when it comes to this stuff. I smiled at her and rubbed her knee. She smiled back.

"Hello, 911 here. What's your problem?" Said the operator. "A man has been following myself and my friends all day. I've been getting threats from an unknown number for a week now and I think it's this man." I explained. She asked, "Can you describe the man?" "He's wearing a long, black coat, a floppy hat, jeans and sunglasses. He also owns a red Toyota with black-out windows." "Alright, and where are you right now?" "Evergreen Shopping Centre," I responded. "Ok, one second please." We waited about 2 minutes before she continued. "Ok, through the security cameras there, we've managed to find the car with the described man in it. We're sending police over now. Please wait there and stay on the line."

(A/N: Comment below what you think will happen. Tysm ❤️)

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