Chapter 28

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Riker's POV:

Vanni, Rocky and I were walking around a shopping centre. We walked into Forever 21 to buy some clothes. Vanni has been dying to get new clothes so I took her shopping. Rocky wanted to tag along as well. We were wandering around the shop when I noticed a man in a long, black coat staring at us. When he saw me looking at him, he looked away. I shrugged and sighed. It was probably nothing.

We walked around a few shops for a while. Now we were in Urban Outfitters. Vanni absolutely adores this shop. While she was in the fitting room, I spotted the same man staring at us again, from behind a rack of clothes. I became suspicious of him and whispered to Rocky, "Dude, that guy has been staring at me in a few shops." Rocky looked at where I was nodding to, but the man was gone. "I swear he was just there, Rocky," I gasped. Rocky nodded. "Yeah, I saw him too." I frowned. Who could it be?

After Vanni was done shopping, we decided to head into Starbuck's. We sat down at a table with our coffees and talked for a while. 5 minutes in, and I noticed the same man walk into Starbuck's and sit at the table in front of us. I began to worry. Why is he following us?

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