Chapter 25

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Vanni's POV:

From afar, Riker was looking at his phone with a frown. It was strange. When I sat down again, he hardly noticed I was there. Eventually, he put his phone down and gave me a slight smile. I smiled back but I knew his was fake. Something was wrong. "Em.. You okay?" I asked. He looked up and nodded. "Ready to go?" "Sure," I answered.

The car ride home was quiet, Riker still had a frown on his face, and looked deep in thought. "Riker, watch out for the bump!" He swerved and got back on the road. "Sorry," he mumbled. He dropped me home and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I walked back into my house. Before closing the door, I noticed him sitting in his car, looking at his phone and frowning again. I shrugged and sighed. I'll think about this tomorrow.

Our Destiny (Rikvannah fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora