Chapter 10: Back in Black

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Who knew crusty old Austin can actually be really nice?

Well sure his comforting skills need a lot of help... I mean, when a girl is crying, you don't awkwardly pat her back and say, "There, there..."

I mentally shake my head.



The official RockCon is today and apparently... Scarlett wants us to go. Why you ask?

"...because in the Battle of the Bands, the winner is usually voted by fans... And that's why I want you guys to get to know the fans. Danny, Jeremy, and Allen the cocky bastard, I want you to go flirt and chat with a lot of girls... Just make them like you in some way... Somehow. Julie and Iwasawa, go make some friends out there while Rome and I meet the judges... I'm sure they're around here somewhere..." Scarlett told us as she paced the room.

"Sure, us boys will get to know the fans and all but don't worry Tinkerbell... You'll always have a special place in my heart." Allen dramatically put his hand in his heart.

Scarlett marched towards him with her fist raised and stopped when she was inches between him.

"You're lucky I want you to look pretty for the fans... But I swear... Once this is done..." She threatened with gritted teeth, "Are blue, purple, and red your colors? They better be, because those colors will be all over your face when RockCon is done."

Allen visibly gulped but he still had the smug look on his face, "You called me pretty..."

Scarlett scowled at his remark.

Danny and Jeremy both grabbed Allen's shoulder and left.

Julie grabbed Iwasawa's hand and said, "Ooh let's go! I see some hot gu- I mean some guy over there... Let's talk to him, Iwa!!"

"Agh... I saw some guy with a Sword Art Online shirt though..." Iwasawa looked at the distance.

Julie's eyes followed Iwasawa's and she saw some guy with a black shirt and an anime character with blue hair on it.

"Uhm... That guy can wait... LETS GO TO HOTTIE NO. 1!!" Julie gripped Iwa's wrist and ran, dragging Iwa behind her.

"SORRY IWA!!" Scarlett yelled.

Scarlett groaned and looked at me

"Well... let's meet the judges. Shall we?" She sighed


RockCon was packed today! I mean, sure it's the first day and all, but I didn't expect this many people to show up. We couldn't find the judges anywhere! Not that we knew what they looked like. Scarlett was just dragging me along through the crowds and I saw a bunch of awesome Guns N' Roses t-shirts.

"They must be here somewhere..." She muttered, I looked at her and saw that she was distraught.

I stopped, "Scarlett, what's wrong?"

She frowned, "Nothing... Why?"

I raised, or, tried to raise my eyebrow.

She groaned, "My mom called yesterday..."

I nodded for her to continue.

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