Chapter 9: Poison

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TR: Alice Cooper

I woke up with a bright light shining in my eyes. DAMN CURTAINS THAT DON'T STOP LIGHT.

Wait... OZZY!

I grabbed my phone from the bedside table and texted Ozzy.

Romeisdabomb: Hey Ozzy, u there?

Ozzy Bear: Who r u?

Romeisdabomb: Rome

Ozzy Bear: Oh. Yeah I'm here XD. what's up?

Romeisdabomb: The band and I are looking for a songwriter. I was wondering if you would like to become the songwriter...

I hope she says yes.

Ozzy Bear: Let me think about it... I'll do it.

Romeisdabomb: Thank you so much. I was stressing over the fact that you might say no because I'm terrible with lyrics :3

Ozzy Bear: Don't mention it, I just like being nice like that... And, you'll have to show me your lyrics someday, they can't be THAT bad...

Romeisdabomb: Trust me... They're BAD. Wait, I have an idea. Come to this address:

30273 Bayview St.

I'll introduce you to the band and my terrible excuse for lyrics.

Ozzy Bear: Haha, okay, see ya there.

The bell rang a few minutes later. I wasn't expecting visitors...

"Rome! Get the door! I'm too busy jamming!" Dad yelled from his room, too busy with his beloved guitar.

"Okay!" I yelled back.

I opened the door and I found Danny there. He was holding a piece of paper and a pencil.

"Hey...?" I said, confusion all over my face.

"ROME! We need to talk." Danny said while walking in.

Rude much?

"What's up?" I asked.

"We need to create instrumentals for the second round of the Battle of the Bands." Danny said.

"Woah there... We still don't know if we've made it to the second round. Hell! We didn't even do the first round yet!" I objected.

I don't wanna create two instrumentals, then not go to the second round... I mean, I don't know the future but it's too early.

"I know, but, it's better to get a headstart. I studied the rules carefully and none of them say that you can't get a headstart." Danny paused, "We can improve the songs better if we do it earlier."

"Yeah but what if we don't even make it to the second round? Then what?" I stated.

"We upload them to YouTube. Simple." He said nonchalantly.

Yeah, like we're gonna hit it big time with two 2 minute instrumentals on YouTube. Nice one, Dan...

"Okay whatever." I said, "Get in your car, I wanna introduce you to someone. Oh and, I'm driving."

We both got in his car and I drove to his house. Surely the band is already there, arguing like always... Iwasawa and Scarlett are there too.

I stopped in front of his house and turned the engine off.

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