Chapter 4: My Dead Drunk Friends

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TR: Hollywood Vampires (listen to them, THEY'RE AWESOME)

I, Rome Hudson, promise to never get drunk ever again.

Why you ask? Hmm, let me think... Well... Maybe it's because I do not like vomiting nor smelling like shit, and the fact that my head feels like someone is hitting my head repeatedly with a hammer is GREAT.

Yup, life is great... NOTE THE SARCASM!

Don't forget the weird things you do when you're drunk. How embarrassing.

I woke up feeling dizzy as hell and really heavy. I looked around the room and nothing looked familiar at all. I felt something moving under me... Oh god... Oh no nononono!

I tried moving but I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. Did I get drugged?! How?!

I BET IT WAS BOB! But at the same time, he wasn't there to spike my drink. I wonder who spiked my drink...

The person underneath me kept moving. I then realized that he was shirtless. Fortunately, he was wearing pants... Phew...

I heard the person saying stuff and stroking my hair, when suddenly, two people burst into the room. I couldn't make out their faces because, duh, I was drugged. One of them shouted and the other shouted shortly after. I felt the person underneath me carry me and put me on the couch nearby. I could sort of make out what they're saying.

"Her drink was spiked, she was about to get raped and I saved her. No worries, that punk learned his lesson, but if you want to give him one yourself, be my guest." The guy that was underneath me said.





I was about to get raped? By who?! I felt a surge of exhaustion and the next thing I know, I was asleep.

"Yo Rome, get up! You're going to be late!" Scarlett shouted

Slowly, very slowly, I opened my eyes and saw Scarlett glaring at me.

"Wait what?" I asked feebly. Scarlett rolled her eyes.

"You. Are. Going. To. Be. Late." She told me slowly as if she were speaking to a child.

I threw a cushion at her, since I was sleeping on the couch.

"It's Saturday, there's nothing today." I said sleepily into the pillow.

Suddenly, the pillow and my blanket were taken away from me. Cold air hit my bare legs and arms.

"Oh yeah? Then who's this idiot called Danny calling your phone every 5 minutes?!" She yelled.

I rubbed my eyes and stared at her.

Who's Danny ?

"Wait... baby kisser?" I asked

Scarlett looked at me as if I was talking in Japanese. Hm... It reminds me of when Iwasawa spoke Japanese.

"Uh... I don't know? Go call the dude, he left you like thousands of missed calls, before and after I answered that punk. Oh, by the way, awesome ringtone bro." She looked at me with a smug face.

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