"Atash, I am not asking you to marry her immediately, I am promising you to her and we can have your nikah when we return to Isfahan." With a stern look in her eyes illuminating her rage she said.

"I am disappointed you even suggested we marry her off to a servant or a merchant. Did you even stop to think what happens when we have to leave?"

Atash opened his mouth to respond to her queries but Omeed cut him off saying, "know now you are betrothed to Zoya and I hope you start treating her well. You are excused Atash." She said with finality as he bowed his head bidding her a goodnight.

Atash knew he had overstepped his boundaries given the extreme reaction he got from Omeed, but he couldn't afford to let his tremendous effort go to waste.

For years he had discreetly kept abreast with the situation in Isfahan, as he watched Omeed grow into a fine young lady. He had heard from travellers and merchants alike of the search for Omeed,she wasn't going to face any punishment upon her return to the capital but Atash kept the information all to himself.

He knew if they returned, she was to become the empress. It had taken a lot of effort to keep these informations away from her since she trusted him immensely. And it had come at an hefty prize.

When he heard of the death of Omeed's mother, he kept that too a secret because knowing Omeed, she would have immediately gone back to Isfahan without a second thought.

Rumour has it that the Nazir's wife had committed suicide after an attempted rape by the minister whom she was forced to work for.

It was widely known she was a beautiful and gracious woman so it came as no surprise when the minister had tried forcing himself on her two days after the death of the Nazir, her husband.

Her death tore Hafez who had been too busy mourning the loss of his father and had forgotten about her and Omeed at the time.

When news reached his ears of her untimely demise, he had promptly punished the minister involved by sending him to the gallows. His ruling had been extreme, shocking all as it was clear he favoured the Nazir's family dearly.

It is widely believed that Hafez's favouritism for the Nazir's family would easily make Omeed his favourite empress if he does eventually find her. This hasn't sat well with Ali Whom as a result of this, has worked tirelessly to make sure that never happens.

Ali even has bandits and thieves at his disposal who did his dirty work and were on the lookout for Omeed.

Despite Atash's behaviour when omeed had spoken to him of her intention, Omeed went ahead and announced their bethrothal the next day. Zoya was overjoyed and couldnt wipe the constant grin plastered on her face. With a frantic dash she went about her daily chores supervising the female servants who served them under her.

"Goodmorning." She timidly annouced when she bumped into Atash on his way out. All she got in return was a grunt from Atash. She has longed accepted he had no romantic feeling towards her and that he was in-love with Omeed. But what he should realise is that Omeed is unattainable, their status varied vastly and he should know his place.

Emotions swirled in her eyes as he looked at her dispassionately, with a twinge of annoyance her gripped her arm firmly and dragged her with him to an abandoned store room.

"I don't want you Zoya. I love someone else, so I can't marry you." Her heart shattered into million pieces at his words, but she wasn't one to give up so easily as she considered the idea farcical.

An awkward silence descended on the both of them making Zoya wish he would just take her in his arm and hold her briefly. His scent lingered in the room after he stalked off making her yearn for his closeness.

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