//That One Misty Morning//

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The sparse forest was very misty that morning. I was alone, bounding swiftly through the bracken and brambles. It would be dawn soon, and I wanted to stretch my muscles. I needed to be my very best for my Clan. I had to be my very best for Clear Sky. The pale tom was my savior, he cared for me when only my brother Fox would. I remembered with a pang that the large brown tom was dead, killed by Clear Sky's mouse-hearted brother Gray Wing! I curled my lip and snarled as I thought of his snobby gray face.

As long as there is breath in my body I promise to avenge you, dear brother!

I was all riled up now. I decided it would be best to use that anger on prey instead of another cat. After a bit of sniffing, I located a plump robin sitting on the branch of a tall fir, chirping loudly. I narrowed my eyes, crept toward the tree, and leaped my claws hooked into the arrogant bird's bright plumage. I brought it down with a thump and quickly took its life with a bite on the neck.

"Nice catch,"

I nearly jumped out of my fur at the sound of that silky mew. Clear Sky, the Clear Sky was standing a mere tail-length away, leaning leisurely against another fir with a chubby squirrel hanging from his mouth.

I dipped my head respectively to him,"Good dawn, Clear Sky—sir. I was just doing some morning hunting."

"So was I, let's hunt together, shall we?"

Did I just receive an invitation to hunt with Clear Sky? This has to be a dream! A wonderfully perfect dream!

"Y—yes sir," I hated how nervous I sounded.

"Just call me Clear Sky,"

"O—okay, Clear Sky,"The word felt like honey on my tongue.

A few moments of silent scenting later, the pale furred tom tracked a small rabbit to a cluster of ferns.

He flicked his ears at me,"I'll go over to the other side and when I flick my tail, scare the rabbit and make it run towards me,"

I nod, and he disappears into the shadows of the bracken. From my position, I can faintly see his tail tip above the fronds. It suddenly gives a tiny jerk, and I spring into action, yowling and hissing.

The rabbit bleats and hops away, right into Clear Sky's gaping maw. He sinks his teeth into the gray and white creature's neck and purred with triumph.

I smile,"Great catch!"

"You helped out,"

"Only a little,"

"You sure are something, Petal. You're the best hunting partner!" He trills, whiskers twitching with  amusement.

I chuckle along with him.

This is it. You have to tell him how you feel! It's now or never!

"Clear Sky,"

"Hold on. Do you smell that?"

My tail spikes with horror,"Fox . . ."

As if on cue, a tall, raggedy creature bursted through the scenery, leaving trampled plants in his wake. My first instinct was to run, but Clear Sky catapulted into the air and onto the fox's neck. Blood spritzed from the wound and the fox barked in anger. I darted into action, clawing the russet animal's dancing legs. It yipped and kicked me square in the face, sending me about a tail-length into the air. I land hard, and the ringing in my ears intensified, and my vision blurred.

There's a sudden screech and a loud, ominous thump follows it,"Petal! He—Ahhk!"

Clear Sky!

Still disoriented, I slowly rise and face the fox. Clear Sky is a still lump in the grass, covered in blood. The agony inside me increased tenfold, and my legs buckle.

"Y—You killed h—him. YOU KI—KILLED CLEAR SKY!" I scream so loud that my throat starts to ache.

The fox jumps a little, surprised. I charge, and sink my claws and teeth into its chest. I drag myself onto its scrawny back, and drive my claws into the back of its neck like a snake. The fox crumpled to the floor and I fell onto Clear Sky's body.

I let out a wail, seeing the full extent of his injuries. I rest my head on his.

"Why? Why now? The Clan needs you! I need you, Clear Sky! Don't leave me!"

My sobs go unanswered, and I let out a cry of despair.

I'm in love with you Clear Sky! Now you'll never know!

This was gonna end happily, but ehh.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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