We Were So Damn Close

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September 7, 2015
     I bet you wouldn't believe it if Tristyn Leana were to tell you the true classically-cliche story of how she managed to meet one of the greatest friends she'd ever actually make. It's not a long one it's simple, and sounds a lot like something you'd hear in a really bad romantic comedy. Yes, a literal crash and fall right into each other, but technically... Not each other? Let's back up;
Well this lovely follow-around-the-story character of ours goes to a college out in Los Angeles, she's nineteen and this is the beginning of her junior year (she started early, back when she was seventeen) and she's had this room mate named.... Uh.... Oh yeah... Anna. Excuse me the start of this story seems to be playing with my memory... So, Anna was this red headed bookworm who wore big squared glasses and played piano whenever she wasn't being dragged into another one of Tristyn's awful drunken ideas. Anna also happened to be Tristyn's best friend. Anyways, the way she managed to play into the tale of meeting Chase isn't the most complicated story in the world but it's certainly good timing.
It all happened on the same Tuesday in September, a few weeks had gone by since classes started back up again, Tristyn and Anna were waking themselves up as they usually did at a little cafe table in the campus coffee shop.
Tristyn was tapping her foot to the pace of the caffeine effect that was taking place as she sipped her sort of bitter iced coffee, Anna was stirring her straw around trying not to make too much noise, she was too tired to play with Tristyn's obvious hangover. Anna didn't drink so the bags under her eyes probably meant she was up too late trying to tame her room mate's drunken laughter and confused flirting.
Oh right, you're probably a little confused on how you should be picturing Miss Tristyn.... Let me explain this young lady in some short terms; they say that photographs aren't everything, but I'll be damned that girl was absolutely photographic. She always looked like beautiful timing, like if the world froze she could be stuck with the most gruesome reaction and still be gorgeous. A Brazilian Angel, I call her. Her dark skin and brown eyes all brought out by that perfect (although short) figure and that hair that seemed to change colour like a chameleon. But anyway;
These two idiots always woke up at the right times- well that's what they usually did so they believed any time they woke up would be the right time. Unfortunately for them they struck out of luck that morning, and holy shit was it a good energy boost when Anna finally checked the time....
"Hey what time is it....?" Tristyn whispered simply, words and voices didn't seem the best in her state.
Anna wiped her eyes with the end of her sweatshirt sleeve, and with the other hand she took her phone out of her bag.
"Here, um, it's....." The girl froze in her words, probably recapping all of her decisions since last night.
"What what what's wrong!?" Tristyn sat up with an irritated whine.
"TRISTYN WE HAVE CLASS IN TWO MINUTES," now keep in mind that this musical arts class was unexaggerably at the other end of the whole campus, a fifteen minute walk. It is a five minute drive but considering Tristyn was the only one of the two with a car, and she's basically already falling asleep in her steps, they didn't bring it along. Well couldn't Anna have just driven them? Is probably what you're thinking, and the answer is yes. Yes she could have why didn't they think of this.
And now the girls were running, they were running as fast as they could they were sprinting not minding the possible break down of their lungs and or legs but they just kept going. Now Tristyn was fast, she was always very very fast and even a hangover wouldn't stop her from making it on time, but Anna didn't like to run much so it was a struggle to keep up with her best friend who by now was mumbling cusses in Brazilian Portuguese under her breath. They kept running as fast as they could and Jesus Christ I swear it's like they stopped time cause it only took four minutes before they were sliding corners through the hallway of their class' building. Both girls clutched their bags, it was almost a race to the door, two minutes late but the professor never started on time anyway, and they were off the ground leaping for it, and Anna was ahead for just one single moment when they reached around that last corner and-
Down she went right into the carpet, taking someone down with her, it wasn't clear who quite yet. The world seemed to go silent they were so damn close but the mourning silence was broken by Tristyn's cackling laugh taking over the whole hallway, the girl was almost on the floor. Poor Anna just wished for her to shut the hell up already but it wasn't gonna happen, and this poor kid she trampled scrambled to find his glasses.
"Jesus Christ watch were you're going you're only two minutes late you don't have to kill for it," He stuttered out after finally standing up with Tristyn's courteous help.
And that kid right there.
The one with the ponytail and the glasses, the kid who always wore the same brown jacket and never yelled at a soul. The kid that some red head trampled over in a hallway four minutes late to a musical arts class on a random Tuesday in September was the beginning of everything.

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