Epilouge- Church Bells

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Thalia's Pov

"One foot in, then the other," my soon-to-be step mother cooed from somewhere beneath my billowing gown.

I grabbed hold of her back in support as my legs winded their way into the silk death trap soon to be encasing my body.

Once everything was in place, I stood up straight, glancing in the mirror. What I saw i almost couldn't comprehend. It was a woman, not a girl, who was breathtakingly beautiful. I pursed my lips, and the reflection did the same. Is that actually me?

Anne rested her hand on my shoulder smiling at me, tears brimming her eyes, as if I was her own flesh and blood. "Stop it Anne, your going to make me cry." I protested turning away from the mirror to look my step mom in the eyes.

"Oh, Thalia I know you wish your real mother was here, but I hope that I've been an adequate substitution." She said, tears falling down her cheeks.

I felt my eyes well up as Anne brought up my real mother. Isn't this a moment every mother and daughter should share? I thought that was written in some sort of handbook for life. But looking at Anne holding my long, shiny veil in one hand and my bouquet of roses in the other I realize she has been the mother I had always longed for and craved.

I wrap my arms gently around her, making sure not to crush the items in her hands. "Your all I could have asked for, and more." I whispered as she squeezed me tighter.

"You guys are so in love I don't know how you have lasted this long." She says, jokingly rolling her eyes towards the other side of the wall where my fiance was waiting for my arrival.

How did we wait this long? I haven't got a clue. Today marks the fourth year of our engagement and will soon mark the first day of our marriage. Four years may seem like a long time to be engaged, that's because it was. Harry wanted to wait until we were older to make it official.

Now that I'm 23 and he's 24 we figured it was about time. Also it helps that One Direction finally slowed down, so his free time has increased dramatically. Of course the boys are still the best of friends, but with everyone having either a relationship or even a family the band became harder to maintain.

I look down at my sparkling engagement ring and my mind transports back to the day he proposed.


i sighed gazing at the stars  twinkling over my head. the grass tickled my hand that was intertwined with Harry's as we lay beneath the stars. I turned my head to face him, leaning in closer. He turns my way, smiling, and presses his lips to mine and I smile in contentment.

"You see that star?" Harry whispered pointing at the never ending sky.

Knowing he was interested in astronomy, I decided to amuse him. "Which one?" I questioned, trying to follow the path of his hand into the sky.

"The big, almost blue one directly overhead of us." He squinted at the sky, forming little creases in his forehead.

Luckily it was quite smoggy out here in San Francisco and only a handful of stars were visible. "Oh! I see it!" I gasped excitedly, pointing towards the sky as well. "Its so beautiful," I sighed in awe.

"Just like the person it was named after," Harry murmured, intertwining our hands once again.

"Whose it named after?" I said, looking towards him.

Suddenly, he pulled me up in a sitting position grabbing both of my hands in his. "After you." He whispers.

"What? Seriously?" I say in astonishment.

He nods, smiling at my tone. "Thalia the Star," he said in a mockingly wistful tone.

"That's so cool! Thank you, baby." I said, reaching across and kissing him.

"But there was one problem..." He trailed off.

"Whats that?"

"I didn't know what to put for the last name. So I chose the obvious choice," He said, biting his lip as if he was nervous.

"What did you put?" I ask, curiously  as I play with our intertwined fingers.

"I put Thalia Styles," He said.

"Wait, what? I thought we cleared up the whole brother thing a while ago..." I trailed off concerned. Is there something he's not telling me?

"Thalia I don't think you understand."

"What don't I understand? If there's something wrong tell me," I said seriously.

"The only thing I have to say is that you're the light of my life. Every moment with you is a memory that I will cherish forever. I love you so much more then you could ever possibly know, and I hope you feel the same. When I imagine life, it doesn't exist without you. You're my everything. So will you please do me the honor of marrying me, and becoming Thalia Styles?"

He was kneeling in front of me, holding a beautiful ring. A sob burst from my mouth, as I nodded uncontrollably. "How could I say no to the love of my life?" I said, crying.

He grabbed mt hand and proudly placed the ring on my finger. I brought my hand to his face, and there we stayed kneeling in the grass for a long time. The air started to get cold, and the sky was almost pitch black, but I couldn't think of any place I'd rather be. Anywhere else didn't have Harry. Not world famous Harry, but the sweet, loving Harry. My Harry.


"Thalia, sweetie, It's almost time." Marcia whispered, grabbing me lovingly from the shoulders. Marcia was Liam's girlfriend of two years, and the closest thing I'll ever have to a sister.

She meet Liam at a concert actually. As soon as he saw her in the crowd, he knew she was the one. We had been friends ever since. I feel like she can always best understand my situation.

Turning, I give her a big hug, whispering thank you before grabbing my bouquet of white roses waiting at the door for me. She squeezes me tightly and grabs my veil, nestling it amoungst my bouncing curls.

"Thalia," she says, grabbing my hand, "I'm so proud of you."

"Why?" I say as she continues to fix my veil and train.

"You came from a life of so much unhappiness and you turned it around all by yourself. I never told you this but when you first told me what you've been through I felt so sorry for you, but now I've realized that you don't need my pity, you never did. You made the life that you wanted."

My heart squeezes at the beautiful praise she had given me, if only she knew that was all I'd ever wanted to hear. With a final placement she straightened up and gave me a once over. "Wow, girl, you clean up nice." She jokingly bumped her hip against mine sending me teetering in my precarious heels. I laughed, shoving her lightly backwards.

"You ready?" Marcia said, all joking aside.

"I've been waiting for this moment all my life. To feel something so deep and personal it swept me off my feet. I never believed in God or anything, but now I feel like there must be something more to our love, something inhuman, almost unreal. I can't wait to finally have a family, not only a husband, but brothers and sisters. All my dreams have come true."

Marcia links her arms through mine, preparing to walk me down the aisle. I take one last look at my face in the mirror, and walk out towards the man of my dreams with the biggest smile I've ever had on my face before.

When I get out there I know I'll see the boys, and all of their girlfriends, who have become my best friends. Even though I have no real "family" What I have is good enough for me. Great friends, a fantastic mother-in-law,and my amazing soon to be husband.

My life is finally going exactly how I want it to.



Can I be the first to say HOLY CRAP that took me a long time. Sorry<3

Thanks so much for 1,110+ reads thats so CRAZZYYY!!!!

Love you guys:)

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