15 Questions Left

126 2 0


Thalia's POV


I wait in anxiety for his answer. My eyes find his, trying to predicate what he's going to say.

Oh no, what if I was wrong? What if he never actually liked me like I thought? What have I done?

A chuckle slips through my thoughts ripping my focus away from myself. Harry is staring down at me laughing! That jerk! I didn't think it was that ridiculous of a question!

Just as I turn away in disgust the laughter stops and he grabs my hand quickly saying, "No, no I didn't mean it like that! I meant it like its crazy that you would think that I wouldn't want to see a wonderful girl like you" He looks deep into my eyes, his green eyes matching up to my blue eyes. It feels as if the shell around my heart is melting away. My breath hitches in my throat , as he starts to lean his face towards mine. Just before his soft lips touch mine, I snap out of my fantasy. I can't let guys control me anymore. Ive been over this so many times with myself. Im not going to let another player break my already shattered heart.

I turn my head away, staring at the closed doors that are both a blessing and a curse.

He coughs awkwardly making the room contract and seem smaller. Even if I wouldn't let myself acknowledge my feelings for Harry, in the back of my mind I knew they were there. Now, its just a fight between my heart and my head for how I act.

"Um, ah, what's your favorite color?" He said, breaking us out of uncomfortable silence.

Oh well at least he'll still talk to me. I thought I ruined our chance at any type of relationship. It's a good thing Harry didn't bring up the almost kiss as soon as it happened, or I might be regreting not kissing him, and regret is not something I want. "It's yellow" I say, returning my focus to him.

He sighs, "Come on let's not make this awkward we are friends, right?"

I let out a breath of relief. Friends, that's good enough, right? Ugh, now Im really confused. "Yeah we're friends."

"Ok, then its your turn with number 14" He smiles, reasuring me that the almost kiss is forgotten. Do I want it to be forgotten? Yes, I need to stay strong and look out for myself this one time.

What should I ask? I'm pretty sure he'd tell me anything I asked.

"How old are you?" I asked. Boring I know, but I wanted a question I could comfortably answer.

He smirked, "18, how about you?"

"About to be 17" I said. That was the truth I would be seventeen in a couple of months.

So he was older then me? Funny, I seemed much more mature. Ok, his turn then only 13 questions left of this game.

We went back and forth for the next couple hours asking questions until there were only 6 questions left three for me to ask and three for him.

In all, I'd learned some very interesting things about Harry. We had spent that time laughing our asses of, the past awkwardness forgotten. Harry really is an outragously funny person. Im not really the happiest of people, but Harry just has this ability to make me laugh like no one else has before. It's like he's a ray of sunshine to my dark shadow.

"Why aren't you in school now?" I asked, I was actually really curious about why an 18 year old boy was out of school this young. He didn't seem to be the braniac type, but who knows. Maybe he graduated early like me.

"I was expecting that one. I have this job that made me quit school" He said, smirking, being purposly mysterious.

I stared at him waiting for more information. He just looked at me like 'what do you want?'. One of the questions earlier had been about if I liked secrets, and I admitted to hating secrets and not knowing things. He was obviously using this against me now, and taunting me with knowledge. Jerk.

"What's you-"

"Nuh uh, It's my turn." He says cutting me off. He smirkes in my direction, "Can I have your number?"

I open my mouth to protest but stop. Wait, if I refuse he'll just answer the question by telling me his number and he'll win the game, and we can't let that happen. I sigh, holding my hand out in defeat. He places his unlocked phone in my hand. I hurriedly put my number in as, Thalia. I quickly give it back and he slips it into his pocket.

Ok I only have to ask two more questions, I ponder what to ask and decide on, "What are your parents like?"

"They're split up, I like them well enough" he says, simply.

Hmm, I was expecting a more in depth responce, but I guess after the whole panic attack episode earlier today he didn't want to talk about family much. Ok, his move. He looks me straight in the eye, leaning in really close to my ear. My breath rushes out of my mouth and.my stomach fills with butterflies. He takes a breath,"Will you take a picture with me?" He whispers.

I looked at him, confused. That's it! Seriously? Anyway, why would he want a picture with me?

I opened my mouth to question him but he cut me off again, "No more questions until its your turn, just answers."

Whatever, I might as well. I tried to look as pained and inconvienenced as possible, letting out a long fake sigh. "I guess" I say drawing the syllables out.

He smiles at me and reaches into his pocket to get his phone. He flips on his white Iphone and turns on the front camara. I stand by him, looking at the camara with the most blank face possible. I feel his arm snake around my waist grabbing my side and tickeling it. I bust out laughing just as he snaps the picture.

I immadiatly sober up, "Let me see it!" It's probably a really ugly picture, I don't want him to have that on his phone! I chase after him as he runs away from me. Sadly, there's not much room to run around in a tiny elevator. I trip over my feet, flailing as I fall. My arms grab on to anything solid on my way down, which just so happens to be Harry. We tumble to the ground, me landing halfway on top of him. My head rests on his comfortable stomach. We both burst into laughter our laughs eccohing off the walls. We slowly stop laughing and lay in peace.

"I want-"

"Nope, It's my turn!" I say sassily, cutting him off as he did to me ,"What do you work as?"

I feel him sigh, "I'm in a band. Were on tour now" He says.

"Oh" I say, "What's the nam-"

"No" he says, mocking me, "Remember? My turn"

I look up at him, sticking out my tongue. He looks so serious, I immidiatly put all joking aside and give him my attention. He takes a couple breaths, "Thalia will you be my-"

He's cut off, this time not by me, but by the elevator creaking to a stop and the doors sliding open.



Im literally freaking out! I posted the last part a couple hours ago and I already only need one more read to post this part!!!:) LOVE YOU GUYS!

What will she say? What will she do? find out in the next part!

Finally some action! Next part will be really crazy just so you know!;) That wont even be the BIG plot twist, that one im saving for later!

Since I almost got 20 reads in a DAY I'm going to need 50 reads to post the next part! Or you'll have to wait a week! I love all my readers!<3<3

Song- All My Heart- Sleeping With SIrens

Casual Encounters (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora