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Thalia's POV

I open my sticky eyes to my familiar bedroom. A smile plays on my lips as I remember we leave for tour today. My smile falls as I see that the room is still pitch black. I let out a groan and hesitantly turn to look at the clock and see I still have three hours until we leave for tour.

A small smile rests on my lips as I picture how much fun this tour will be since I'll be with all my best friends. I settle back down ready to slip back into dreamless sleep, but It feels like I'm burning up. My room seems to be like a furnace. I go to push down the blanket layered on top of me, but my hand feels hot flesh. I throw my hand to my mouth to stifle the scream boiling on my lips.

I slowly turn my head to the right connecting the hand to an arm, and the arm to a face. I breathe a sigh of relief as I realize it's just Niall. I sink back into bed careful not to jostle him.

Memories of last night came back to me. The boys had tried their best to raise my sunken spirits in vain. Nothing they could do could take my mind off of what Harry said. His harsh words just kept playing over and over in my mind. I'd been rejected before, but this time it felt different then it ever had. It hurt worse, almost a physical pain. As cheesy as it may sound it felt like my heart was no longer beating without his love. If I ever even had his love. I had fallen so hard for this man that when he wouldn't have me it crushed me. It felt like every promise had been a dirty lie.

Me and Niall were like 8th grade best friends. We had stayed up late last night watching movies and gossiping (of course Harry was never mentioned). I realized how presumptuous we must look, curled up together in the same bed, but I didn't really care. All the boys knew who my heart belonged to, even Harry. I'm sure he knows I loved him, still love him, he just chooses to ignore it, or maybe he used my love to dig the blade of rejection in deeper.

After unsuccesfully trying to go back to sleep, I decide to shower. I gentely pull Nialls arm off my mid-section and crawl out of bed.

Thirty minutes later I'm dressed and ready to go. The pang in my stomach suggests that maybe I should eat something. Usually, of course, I'd ignore my stomach, but since I hadn't eaten yesterday I decided a little food wouldn't cause too much damage.

I head downstairs to the kitchen, reaching straight up to the fridge. I grab the carton of milk and pour some into a bowl of cereal. I grab my self a spoon and head to the counter to eat.

"You and Niall sure looked cozy," a voice from behind me sounded.

I turned quickly, glaring at Harry. He was resting by the stairs and had a casual look about him, though I knew better. His shoulders were tense as if he was holding in some invisible anger.

"Whats it to you?" I say, purposefully watching his eyes fill with jealously and hurt. Lets see how he likes having his heart shattered.

"I don't like my sisters sleeping around like dirty little whores," Harry said with a straight face.

My mouth popped open in surprise,"Since when did you care about me? From what I heard yesterday you want nothing to do with me."

He looked even angrier by my come back,"So you did sleep with him?"

My face twisted with rage, "No! God, Harry why do you care anyway? Why did I ever think that you got me because obviously if you think I'd go around sleeping with everyone, then you never knew me at all."

His face seemed to soften, "I'm sorry, okay? For everything. Can't we just act like normal brother and sister?"

That hurt me more then anything else, I don't want to be related to him. All I could do was nod my head and agree to be normal, though it was the last thing I wanted.

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