Saving Grace

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Thalia's POV

"Thank you New York!" I heard the boys yell as they ran off stage. My face beamed with pride as they completed there second to last show on the tour.

Me and Harry had been getting along... better, I guess. We have been talking more, but the most you could say is that he acts like my brother. The other boys have a closer relationship with me it seems.

"Ahh!" I scream as I'm literally swept off my feet by Louis. "Put me down!"I yell, giggling at his silliness.

"Oh sorry Thalia, I didn't see you there," he says smirking, as he sets me back down.

I turn around to see Harry glaring at Louis. Sometimes he does things to make me think that he's jealous, but if he was why doesn't he just date me? None of the fans know we are related, just me and the boys know.

We all head back to the hotel, exhausted from the long show, and long tour. I smiled in anticipation knowing what was waiting back at the hotel.

I grab Liams hand, squeezing it, "That was a great show guys! I'm so proud of all of you."

The boys look up at me, smiling. Liam turns towards me, "Were proud of you too, Thalia. You've preformed great!"

I smiled back at them, grabbing them all up in a group hug the best I could while sitting in a limo.


"Surprise!" I yelled along with the fifty-something guests that had just jumped out of there hiding spots behind various pieces of furniture in the lobby.

I glanced up at the boys shoked faces. I mentally patted my self on the back for how well this party was planned, the boys had no clue.

I heard a gasp and I looked over to see the families of all the boys had stepped out of the crowd. I looked at the expression of love as they looked at there boys. One face in particular caught my attention, a woman who had the same green eyes and curly hair as Harry, my step-mom? I guess. I don't know if I should tell her that I'm her step-daughter, she probably wouldn't care.

Pushing the hard thoughts away I glanced at the boys. They seemed to be frozen in there spots with shock. I laughed to myself before pushing them all the way through the glass doors into the party.

I turned to the person next to me about to start a conversation, but a hand on my wrist stopped me. I looked up at Harry who was looking at me with a feeling I hadn't seen before, and I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

"Did you do all this?" Harry whispered, glancing back at his mom.

I nodded, he grabbed me in a gentle hug before pressing a soft kiss to my check. My hand slipped up to rest on the tingling area where his lips just were.

"Do you want me to introduce you to her?" Harry asked, assuming I'd know who he was talking about, and I did.

I shook my head quickly, another parent that would reject me? No, I couldn't handle it.

"Can I tell her though? About you? It feels wrong keeping it from her." Harry said, with another backwards glance at his mom.

I nodded, not able to speak. I watched as Harry smiled in thanks, before turning his back on me and going over to his real family.


Harry's POV

"Hey Mum!" I say,grabbing my mum into a hug.

She laughed,wrapping her arms around me tightly, like she did when I was little.

"So who was that sweet girl you were talking to?" She said raising her eyebrows suggestively and nudging me with her elbow.

I cringe inwardly, this is going to be a peculiar conversation,"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about.." I trailed off.

Her eyes flashed with worry, "What?Are you two dating? DID YOU GET HER PREGNANT?!" She yelled.

I almost wanted to laugh at that last one, "No, Mum. She's not my girlfriend, and she's not pregnant!" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Then what?"

"Well... She's my step-sister." I said.



Hey guys! Sorry its late and kind of short

SO one more chapter after this, then two epilogues. Idk i just like epilogues. :D

Thanks SO MUCH for 637+ reads thats literally CRAZY!!


Song- Saving Grace by The Maine

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