Let's Go to the Beach-each!

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Thalias POV

The rumbling of the van shook me to life. We had been on the road for about an hour now. I had met Paul early this morning when I had been forced away from my warm spot leaning on Liams shoulder.

When the alarm had pulled us out of our deep sleep, we had gotten ready quickly. I had shoved on a patterned bathing suit under a tanktop and shorts all from the enormous bag of clothes from the boys.

I looked up in alarm to find that my head had found its way back on Liam's shoulder. Oh well, I'm too tired to care.

"Wake up!"

"Come on, Thalia"

I creaked open my eyes to see a stretching sandy beach that seemed to go on for miles. My eyes widened and I jumped up too fast and hit my head on Zayns forhead, who had been looming over me along with the other boys.

Zayn was the mysterious one, so I didn't know much about him but we were still friends. I clutched my head, and mumbled apologizes, smiling sheepishly towards Zayn.

He laughed and smiled back grabbing my hand and pulling me from the car.

I screamed and flung my arms out as I sprinted to the sand.

I opened my arms and basked in the sun letting it soak into my skin.

I had a Disney moment, spinning in a circle with my face towards the sun like a princess.

Liam was the first to reach me and handed me a pair of big black sunglasses. He whispered that I would nead them then ran off towards the water.

I pulled off my shirt and shorts and ran after him, splashing in the clear blue. I didn't even care that the water was freezing my toes off and possibly giving me hypothermia.

I was suddenly picked up and thrown over a shoulder. I screamed and pounded on Nialls back until he let me go face down into the water.

I struggled to stand again trying to find my balance on the rocky ground.

I pushed Niall over until he fell into the water as well. I turned looking onto the shore to find the other boys. They were standing on the shore staring at me and Niall.

"Come on guys!" I screamed.

Louis was the first to move racing towards me. I jumped up and down waving my arms. When he got to me I jumped on his back.

"Carry me!" I said.

I knew Louis was smiling as he ran around crazily through the water.

Louis felt most like my brother, and I knew I could confide to him about what happened with Harry.

After a while splashing around in the water and playing chicken (Me and Liam dominated) we all headed out of the water to grab a bite to eat.

I could feel the demon of hunger coming up and squeezing my insides. I pushed down the urge to eat like I always do. I might have to splurge on something small like a salad seeing as I hadn't eaten anything in two days.

I had thrown back on my sandy clothes but they didn't do much since my bathing suit was still wet. I let my hair hang in tousled waves.

We went to some restaurant called The Cabana that was nesstled right on the shore.

We stuffed ourselves into a little booth in the corner.

"Guys, can't we sit in the middle? Im losing circulation in my arm," I say as I'm lodged in between Louis and the wall.

"Sorry, Thalia we have a better chance of not being recognized if we sit in the corner," Liam said.

Oh right, famous pop band.

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