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Thalia's POV

I reread those seemingly insignificant words over and over again trying to wrap my mind around them.

Thalia Rose Styles. Three little words that practically rip away any chance of me being happy.

So many different emotions are swirling inside my head right now. A mix between terror, depression, and a little joy. The only redeeming quality from this situation was that I finally know who I am, even though this knowledge only makes me hate myself more.

I try to look up into Harrys eyes, but he turns away. "Are you mad at me?"

"God Thalia, what kind of question is that? Did you know about this? Beacuse if you knew I swear..." He trails off.

The tone of his voice sent a shiver down my spine, "No! Of course I didn't know. I wouldn't be this surprised if I knew." 

An awkward silence that had never been there before settled on us. I try to reach for his hand in an attempt to get him to look at me, but he pulls it away.

He walks away from me, "You cant do that now, we're related."

I get up and go to him, "I dont care, we didn't know. Up until now I was just Thalia Rose, and I can stay that way."

I turn him around to face me, but he wont meet my gaze. I touch his face and bring his lips to mine. Right before they touch I'm shoved into the wall behind me. I gasp as his figure returns to the bed.

"Whats wrong with you?" I practically scream.

He whips around, anger brewing in his dark eyes, "It's creepy Thalia! We are related."

"I'm sorry for fighting for what I love." I say simply to his back.

He mumbles something under his breath. "What was that?" I ask.

"I said, Like you fought for my father." He said, his voice dark and angry.

I looked at him incrediously, "What?"

He turned to me with the ferociety of a wild animal, "You killed my father." He said simply.

I looked at him with tears sparkling in my wide eyes, "What did you just say to me?"

"You and your f***ing mother killed my dad! You took him away from me then you killed him."

My mouth almost falls to the floor, "Excuse me, he was my father too. I lost him too!"

His voice got quieter making him all the more menacing, "You dont understand, you've never had someone love you. You think he love you? Ha, he just loved your whore of a mother."

My breath hitches in my throat, and I suck my lip into my mouth trying to keep the tears at bay. "I did have someone love me. My mom loved me and look where that got her. And your right dad never truly loved me, because if he did then he wouldn't have shot himself, and left me in this hell that has been my life. You think you had it hard, you dont know the half of it. I had to watch him bleed out from the bullet wound."

For a second I thought that he understood, he reaches his hand out and his eyes soften. Suddenly his hand comes hurdling towards my face. My head whips to the side and my cheek starts to burn. Memories come flinging back into my head of all the time men have slapped me.

Harry looks genuinly shocked, "Thalia I..."

I grab my cheek, "No don't say your sorry. You know what, I thought I loved you. I thought you were going to save me. Thanks for setting me straight. I know now that you're nothing more then the countless other men that have beaten me. You tought me that love doesn't exist and when a slut like me tries to love they end up with bruises on their face."

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