I then texted my mom letting her know before we leave, I need some pictures taken. She knows what I do, so she responds with "okay." You can say my mom is..basically my personal photographer.

Soon enough, she got home and we had another mini photoshoot. She's really good at them too, and plus EJ follows my personal account so he sees all of the pictures that I post.

"Where we gonna go eat?", I asked my mom while putting my seatbelt on. I plugged my phone to the aux cord while she talked. "I was thinking we could go that pizza restaurant I used to always take you to when you were little."

"Oh yea! I haven't been there in so long. That's fine we can go there.", I replied. She said 'ok' and we listened to the MB album. 

"OOO THIS IS MY SONG!!" I screamed while my mom laughed at me. "Well cut it up because it's my favorite too." We both laughed and I turned the volume up.

We made love on the couch.

We made love on the bed.

We  made love in the kitchen,

can't get that outta my head.

We sang the whole song until it was over. I love these kind of moments I get to do with my mom. Yes, she works alot but when she has time we will hang out and do stuff.I wish it would be my dad here too. Sadly, I don't know where my father is. I've seen pictures of him, but he's been out of my life since I was 3. I never asked my mom what he was like because I don't want to get the opposite reacting of what I expect.

"We're here!!", mom says as she drives into a parking spot. I took my phone out of the aux cord, and we got out of the car and we walked into the pizza restaurant. A waiter then sat us at  table.

"Okay ladies. What would you like to drink?", the waiter asked as he pulled out his pin to write on his notepad. I noticed he kept staring at me and I wasn't liking it at all. He ain't all that cute anyways.

"Um..I'll have some water.  What about you M?" ,mom responded. I'm so gald she didn't say my full name. This boy may be a stalker or rapist hell, we don't know. 

"I'll have some sprite." I fake smiled. "Okay. And do you have a boyfriend?"

"Excuse me?" I know this waiter,who doesn't even look all that cute, just asked me that. "I said, do you have a boyfriend?"

"Yea,I do. Sorry.",I stated.

"Well I just wanted to say that you're really beautiful.", the waiter smiled.

"Awe thank you!", I responded as I smiled. 

"My pleasure." He answers. He then took our orders and before he left he winks at me. That was really sweat of him to call me that, but that wink was sketchy.

"You never told me you had a man!! Who is it?",mom asks with  smirk on her face. She acts like she's 18 but she's 34. She tries so hard to be young, but I just laugh at her.

"I've been told you! Elijah Johnson is my boyfriend.", I stated with a huge smile on my face. She keeps saying 'keep dreaming honey', but I know it will happen..I can feel it.

"Wow,okay." She says sarcastically. "Keep dreaming honey bun!"

"I'm telling you mom, it's gonna happen! And when it does, I will tell you 'I told you so!'", I argued. I'm gonna prove her wrong and she will be shocked when I do.

"Okay. Whatever floats your boat."


I hope you guys are liking the story so far!! Next chapter will have some juicy stuff! Don't forget to Like , Comment , Vote!! Also do not forget to follow my fan account @ifw.mb  .

Ily, xoxo

Hey guys!! I hope you're liking the story so far. Don't for get to Like , Vote , and Comment.

Also don't forget to follow my fan account @jaays.camera

Ily! xoxo 

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