Chapter 22

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Lillian's P.O.V.

Miss Darby showed up five minutes later, Jack with her. I was confused, but said nothing of it as I got in the back. Miss Darby locked the doors to the car and sped off in a hurry.

"Where are we going?" I asked quietly, poking my head out from in between the two front seats, my bangs getting in my face in the process.

"The hospital," Miss Darby replied, her hands kneading the steering wheel.

"...why?" I asked slowly, starting to panic. Miss Darby sighed.

"Your parents..." she slowly trailed off.

"My parents what?" I asked, fear evident in my voice.

"Your parents got into a car crash."

I felt tears start to well up in my eyes.

"Are...are they...?" I was afraid to ask the question.

"No, they're alive. They have a few broken bones and such, but they're alive."

I didn't know whether to sigh in relief or cry. So I did both, hugging myself as I let the tears fall.

"Wh-who was t-the o-other car?" I asked in between multiple gasping and sobbing fits.

"They hit them from behind at a red light, which sent them smashing into the car in from of them. We couldn't make out the driver; they had tinted windows."

"Wh-what was th-the c-color?"

"Witnesses say it was a red Aston Martin with decals on the doors."

"What?" Jack suddenly asked, sharply turning his head to his mother, who nodded, before glancing at the rearview mirror to look at me.

"Lily, I know you've just gone through a lot, but whoever...kidnapped....Cassidy, did they say anything that you remember?

"D-don't make me transform," I replied quietly, almost a whisper.

I could see Jack's eyes widen in the mirror.

"Transform?" he asked, turning around to look at me.


"What did the car look like?" He asked.

"A-a red s-sports car thingy with designs on the d-doors..."

An unreadable expression appeared on Jack's face as he slowly turned around. I wiped my eyes as my vision became too blurry to see.

"Knockout," I heard him mutter to himself, and I stopped rubbing my eyes.

"Who's th-that?" I asked, leaning forward, blinking multiple times to get rid of the remaining tears. Jack didn't answer and instead looked away; out the window.

Before I could ask again Miss Darby pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and found a space, and we got out, and I anxiously followed her.

"Caroline," she said breathlessly, walking up to the receptionist. Caroline looked up. "June, I thought you don't come in today?

"I don't. I just need the locations of Jessica and Mark Weathers."

Caroline looked at her computer, typing away for a few seconds.

"Still in ER."

"Can we go see them?" I asked anxiously, and she only gave me a simple nod.

Jack's P.O.V.

"I need to go. Don't worry, I'll get Ratchet to send a bridge," I whispered to my mother as she and Lillian started walking towards the ER. She only nodded in reply, and I walked out in time to hear Lillian ask "Where's Jack going?"

I swiftly walked down the street and into a small alleyway where a GroundBridge could pick me up, and I called base, expecting to get an answer from Ratchet. I had left base before he returned from his drive and I hoped he might sound a bit friendlier.

Instead Arcee answered.

"Arcee, can you send me a GroundBridge? I just learned something you guys might want to know."

"One GroundBridge coming up," Arcee replied before hanging up, and three seconds later the bridge appeared, and I walked through it in a hurry, greeted by three of the Autobots. Bulkhead must've been out or in a different room, and Ratchet had to be in the med-bay, or in an energon storage closet or something.


I stopped, not knowing how I was going to say it. Do I just blurt it out, or what?

"Cassidy was taken," I eventually said after a few seconds. "By Knockout."

"And you know this how?" Arcee asked.

"Her little sister saw it and told me about it," I replied, before looking in the direction of the med-bay.

"Where's Ratchet, shouldn't he hear this too?"

"Ratchet has gone missing, ever since he last left the base. We cannot contact him or locate his signal," Optimus informed. "And if Cassidy's younger sibling has been in contact with the Decepticons, she may be no longer safe."

"Humans multiply," I heard Arcee mutter sarcastically to herself.

"Have you considered the 'cons are up to something and took Ratchet too?" I asked, which made Bumblebee warble in reply, with a nod of his helm.

"We have been attempting to locate their ship, despite the fact its location is shielded and we have had no luck in the past," Optimus elaborated. "Nevertheless, we must continue our efforts. If the Decepticons have taken Cassidy, it is most likely to use her to persuade Ratchet to do whatever they desire of him."


Short chapter yes, I know!

And no Cassidy either. XD


Don't worry I'll publish the next chapter soon. It's all about Cassidy. :)

(Soon, meaning, next month. XD

jk. Maybe next week or something. Or maybe tomorrow! Who knows? :D)

Thanks for reading! Bye now!


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